PIP campaign to review the system

I have volunteered to speak with my MP , Chris Grayling on Friday of this week as part of the PUK campaign to seek for government to look into the assessment process for PIP and to stop the need for people on the lower level of PIP to have to undergo reassessment (other than to put them on the higher level)
I would love to hear from forum members your thoughts on the process and how you would like it to change. I have an appointment with Mr Grayling and want to have a list of points to share with him that will result in him lobbying on our behalf to bring about the changes so desparetly needed!!
I look forward to hearing from as many as possible so that I can tell him that I am speaking on behalf of more than just me

First of all well done on getting a meeting and it’s brilliant that it’s with someone as senior as Chris Grayling. It’s a great opportunity to get the voices of people with Parkinson’s heard!

I’m sure members of the forum will chip in with more stories, but so many of the people I work with raise:

  • That they’re unfairly being declined PIP at assessment, because assessors don’t understand Parkinson’s
  • That the assessments are stressful and there’s so little accommodation around people’s Parkinson’s
  • That it’s a huge waste of money to have to keep going through the appeals process!

Let us know if you wanted to ask any more questions. You can email the Policy and Campaigns team on [email protected]

Thanks and good luck!
Policy and Campaigns Team