PIP Renewal


I have just sent off my PIP renewal form. Fully expecting to have to go through the hell of a face to face assessment. Just wondering if anybody has been through a renewal process recently and had a renewal approved just on a paper review? Or does the DWP health assssors still think that PD is something you catch and clears up with 2 teaspoons of Calpol, and insist on making you feel like some sort of benefits scrounger !!! My condition has definitley deteriorated since my original claim and it is annoying that people are made to jump through these hoops.

I read an old post earlier where one forum user requested a review due to reduced mobility issues and ended up getting his PIP stopped.

So if anybody has any tips for the interview that would be appreciated. I am hoping that they are better nowadays as PIP issues were well documented a cople of years ago.I remember coming away from the last one totally drained and angry. Worked my tits off all my life which included serving my country in the armed forces for 15 years to then be belittled by somebody that doesnt even know what Parkinson’s is.

Sorry rant over…

Hi Wildrover
Just seen your post as we too have had to renew the pip for my husband, last year mite i add but only just been looked at. We had to have the telephone heath assessment which went on for 45min. Lucky i was able to do this for my hubby as he doesnt talk loud enough on the phone. It drains him toot his progress. I hope everything worked out for you just like you my husband as gotten worse since the last pip form, but still makes me feel like we are lying about his everyday life stuggles too, not fair really. We should be talking to people who understand pd not those who dont. Again hope your well Dawn

Me too mate, 26 yrs. That’s civvy street for you… :blush: