Pip review and esa

Today I received confirmation of the reinstatement of my esa award following my tribunal (support group from zero points) and immediately have been notified of a reassessment for pip payments.

 Finish one stressful battle only to be plunged into another one ..... another health assessment and this is by the same department who carried out the last one "..how ridiculous and what a waste of money. The stress if all this is impossible to convey.

Has anyone else had this happen



Yes in a way.

I was already in esa support group, i applied for PiP  and as soon as the assessment for PiP had been carried out a letter arrived for a re-assessment for ESA , i was awarded enhanced PiP.

I felt the same, i was already in support group, i was awarded enhanced Pip, What is the point of a re-assessment of esa a month later?, it has been established why re-establish the obvious?.

The esa forms were filled in by a disability advice service, i sent all the evidence including supporting letters i had sent for PiP a month earlier, and a copy of the pip assessment.

The DWP decided a paper based assessment would be carried out.

Sense prevailed and I am still in the esa support group.


I too sent copies of all back up papers that I had sent to the tribunal to pip, so why are they asking for a fae to face assessment rather than a paper based assessment?  All of this is just making me ill.....have got to go through the whole thing again.

I thought pduk got all this esa in hand sounds to me same old

Hi moonandstars, 

Really sorry to hear that you're having to go through this, it is very stressful. 

Have you been in touch with anyone here at Parkinson's UK? We do have benefits advisers working on our helpline and in local areas across the UK. Please give us a call on 0808 800 0303 or email us at [email protected]. This is the best way we can help, we'll talk you through what to do next. 
