PIP Telephone Assessment

Hello, I have a Telephone Assessment on the 26th June, (first time applying)
I wondered if it is really very daunting?

Hello waynesmith … You don’t say if you are having this as your first talk with anyone for a Parkinson’s assessment or whether this a follow up call. You also don’t say if you are on Parkinson’s medication.

I was diagnosed with Atypical Parkinson’s in June 2023 following a positive Datscan.

I now often speak with my Parkinson’s Nurse on the phone & do not find it at all
stressful or daunting. Just imagine you are talking to a friend.

Do have a list of questions pre-prepared.

Any questions please ask.

Best of luck

Just read your info … I am a Nurse for 23 years, now work in digital patient records. my job has become harder since my diagnosis and i am awaiting a health/wellbeing appointment with the Trust i work for in Manchester, yes i am a Manchester United fan too and enjoy watching sport, going to quiz nights and eating out.

Manchester UK

Is this the assessment you are referring to ?


Hi, it is a PIP assessment, sorry, thought I had put that in the context. Yes a healthcare professional will be phoning me to go through my claim.

PS I too work in Digital services in Manchester.

Sorry … yes it was in big writing. I missed it.

I would imagine that the person doing the PIP assessment is a nice person & is on your side. After all it is not their money.

I was referred by my GP to a person who helped me get the Attendance Allowance
& a Blue Disability Badge.

Also got me a face to face GP appointment & got me an assessment for improvements to get my flat disabled friendly.

Don’t worry about it … it’s a positive thing.


She was a lovely lady.

Hello wanesmith.
I went through a PIP assessment about 14 years ago. They turned me down but I tried again, and this time I had a home visit and I was given the full benefit.
I believe that the present assessments are a lot easier, but I would tell them about the days when you are feeling really bad.
Good luck

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If possible speak to Citizens Advice or any other organisation to help you plan and know what to expect.
Good luck!

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The assessment itself is not very daunting. However, the report that the assessor sends to the DWP doesn’t always correctly represent the conversation you had, some facts are distorted or missed out. I recommend you ask for the assessment to be recorded and also ask for a copy of the assessor’s written report.
I applied for PIP in Jan 2023 and the initial award was for 0 points. I requested a mandatory reconsideration and was still only awarded 0 points. I appealed and at the independent tribunal in Nov 2023 I was awarded 14 points for daily living and 4 points for mobility. The PIP award was backdated to Jan 2023.


Thank you for sharing this, I was also awarded 0 points in the initial assessment and the mandatory reconsideration (despite being nearly 10 years post diagnosis and being on the waiting list for DBS) and am currently going through the appeals process so this gives me hope that I can still succeed.

I would definitely agree with asking for a copy of the assessor’s report and for the assessment to be recorded. I think the quality of the assessments is very variable, I was shocked when I read the assessor’s report as it did not seem like a fair reflection of my condition or the conversation we had. In particular they didn’t seem to appreciate the fluctuating nature of the condition and focussed a lot on how I was during the call when my medication was working well.

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It helps to prepare by thinking about common interview questions and jotting down key points you want to mention about yourself and the role. Also, find a quiet space with good reception if possible.

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Well, I got 0 points, very shocked!!