Playing with your children

So I am currently still awaiting dat scan for confirmation but in another post I have explained all this currently not on meds hoping to start soon

Main question to topic so I find it hard to play with my children be it dancing kicking a ball or even throwing a small ball. main one being a small ball under arm my hand don’t want to seem to let go.

Example so go to throw but grip won’t let go if I go slow enough it will but it’s so upsetting at something so simple is so hard to do. god even the hokey cockey dance that is a new wow for me, I think it should be introduced as a new neurological test not gonna lie haha.

is there anything anyone does with there children aging from 18 all way down to 7? That you don’t feel like you failing them? Prob more my 7 year old or is it just a case of will have to get used to this being new normal for me? Or should I just figure something new out based on my own abilities and explain to them I now struggle or atleast currently struggle with these things?

assuming you get diagnosedwith Parkinsons, then l-dopa may well improve your problems so you may not need to replan things.

Why don’t you take the seven year old to a park with swings and climbing frames, so less onus on you. Board games are a good way on engaging, that are usually less physical. Kids are really adaptable, they will do things with you and enjoy them because they are with you.

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Hi Gm,

Thank you for reaching out. We’re sorry you are having a difficult time, we hope you are able to get access to the help and treatments you need very soon.

Please do get in touch with our helpline if you would like any support or advice, whether it’s around your symptoms or with the diagnosis process: 0808 800 0303.

Our wonderful community will have lots of personal experience they can share with you, but in the meantime we do have some information over on our website on how to manage symptoms.

Best wishes
Parkinson’s UK Moderation Team