
I have been writing a lot of poetry lately. This is the first poem I’ve written about Parkinson’s.

I love you
and your Parkinson’s, too,
because if I didn’t
then you are not you, anymore,
and your struggle with Parkinson’s becomes
the embodiment of
my helplessness
my fear
my despair
my loss
and I cannot live like that
nor do I expect you to, either.
So we laugh, love and
hold hands like, almost like,
we always have.
I see you whole and perfect. Somewhere.
Just not here.



Hi and welcome to our forum @MsLeibo. You’ve waded right in with that fantastic poem already. Thank you! We’re looking forward to seeing more.

Hopefully you’ll tell us more about yourself in the future and post some more poetry. We have a friendly bunch of members here and they’d love to share stories with you.

I’d invite you to take a look at our website www.parkinsons.org.uk to learn about Parkinson’s and our own work. As well, you’ll find our advisers on 0808 800 0303 supportive and knowledgeable if you have concerns or questions.

Best wishes
Forum Moderation Team

Hi, MsLeibo. Welcome to the forum.
I love your poem, both style and content, and hope there will be many more to come.EM. xx