Post operative surgery and PD

Hello :raising_hand_man:
I am posting today, as I am trying to ascertain if, having PD has an impact on surgery outcomes?
15 months ago I had surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff.
At first things seemed to be going well, however after 6 months or so, my recovery process seemed to slow down and now I’m in a lot of pain and discomfort and a loss of movement, in my shoulder, and despite diligently doing the exercises set by my NHS physiotherapist, I am not getting any improvement, I spoke to my orthopaedic specialist and he has said the surgery was a success and to keep on with taking painkillers and physio, however he did mention my Parkinson’s, i am now wondering if my poor recovery is down to it. (PD)?
Has anyone else had this kind of experience or problem?!
My fear is that this is the best my shoulder is going to be??!! :cry::pleading_face: which is worse than pre-operation.
I have scoured the internet and cannot find a definitive answer to this issue.
Have a good day
Little nanny x

Hi. It is possible that the effects of PD are impeding progress. It might be sensible to raise the issue with your neurologist

Thank you for your reply, I will email my PD nurse, as I don’t see my neurologist, little nanny x

Hi littlenanny, I broke my wrist 15 maths ago and although better now it took longer cos pd makes anything bad even worse. A friend of mine broke her wrist too and her recovery took longer due to pd. my advice is don’t let the present circumstances get you down, but stick with the physio and in the end you’ll see the results .

Hello Hemyock
Thank you for your message, I am coming to realise that PD does impact on recovery processes, my PD Nurse has said very similar, I perhaps, need to be a bit more patient and like you say trust that the physio will eventually do its job! Onwards and upwards as they say.
Little Nanny x

Hello littlenanny, here’s hoping for a full recovery, all the best, hemyock