I’ve noticed quite a stoop, so I ordered a posture corrector. Has anyone tried one of these before?
I’ve noticed quite a stoop, so I ordered a posture corrector. Has anyone tried one of these before?
Good evening Hannah … I’ve just had a look at your posture corrector on Amazon.
I have just been seen by a neurologist privately, he commented on my pronounced stoop & my poor posture. He wrote a letter to me stating …
“The patient [me] has been diagnosed with Parkinsonism and is under your care. As far as his neuropathy is concerned, this is mild clinically and there are few signs. His problems are mostly musculoskeletal - I have encouraged him to continue with physiotherapy as required. He should pay attention to his posture and try to keep himself active”.
I think I stoop because it makes me shorter & there is less far too fall & my knees are arthritic.
If I was you I would seek medical / physiotherapy advise before buying an artificial aid like you suggest.
Best wishes
Thanks Steve2
I would agree with Steve2 Hannah. Stooping is very common in Parkinson’s and you are better to try and strengthen your core and back and shoulder muscles so that they can give you proper support. Try and be aware of when you are stooping and make a conscious effort to ‘walk tall.’ Try and keep your head up - this can be quite a heavy part of your body and when you stoop your head is forward of your body and will work with gravity to pull you down which can impact on your balance and general stabiliry.
Good Luck