Protect Brain study into ageing- anyone had a invite

Got an invitation to this study by UK Universities into brain health and ageing

Its open to over 40s and involves doing some test/games and surveys online one a year for a few hours

Do people think its worth doing?


The PROTECT Study is an exciting opportunity to take part in a major UK research study. It aims to understand how healthy brains age and why people develop dementia. The PROTECT study is run by the University of Exeter and Kings College London, in partnership with the NHS.

Hello Hugh

Before I retired, I was a Senior Research Administrator at a University (supporting the research culture of the academic department, rather than any specific research). Some of my colleagues studied dementia and other diseases and often had difficulty in recruiting participants.
If the study is in partnership with the NHS, it will probably have gone through the NHS ethics committee, which is very rigorous, so you should not have any concerns regarding the ethics - all research should have undergone ethics scrutiny, but not all are as rigorous as the NHS procedure (I was secretary to our departmental ethics committee).