Qi Gong

I wasn’t sure if this belonged in “Therapies” or “Daily Life” but I have found it very helpful and wanted to share -

I looked at Tai Chi and did a lot of reading until I found Qi Gong, which is very gentle, and I especially like this video which is a 20 minute series of postures and breathing.

Shaolin Qi Gong :ok_man:t2: 20 Minute Daily Morning Routine :ok_woman:t2: 八段锦 Ba Duan Jin (Complete Form) - YouTube

I’ve been doing this every morning for a few weeks and think it’s helping to calm my mind, and improve my stability by strengthening whatever muscles I need to hold the positions. I like the music too, and it’s useful to prompt me when to move at those moments when I can’t see the screen.

Hi @Lemon, I totally agree with you, back in the early days of COVID, I tried both Hai Chi and Qi Gong via you tube. I certainly preferred Qi Gong which leaf me to look for any on line classes. I have been practicing Qi Gong with the online classes since March 20 and I to have found that they have assisted me in improving my balance / stability and helps keep muscles flexible and builds up strenghting of major muscle groups.

I do the classes 5 days a week and there is an on line video resource for members who want to do extra practice. They also do lots of other classes delivered on line and the posdibility for 1 - 2 - 1 sessions which are all covered by one monthly subscription. Classes are all delivered on line and you can take as many sessions as you want each month. Due to a spinal problem becoming significantly worse I now do the sessions seated and still find a lot of benefit for both my mind and body. That is strength, flexibility, coordination and posture. All practiced within your own limits and adaption to some moves if they are required.

I look forward to my sessions every week day and have met, all be it virtually for now, lots of other people who do not necessarily have Parkinsons and I hope one day in the not distance future get to catch up with them in person. There are also dedicated movement classes for Parkinson’s available if you want those as well. Either way if the videos work for you that is great and the music used I find also helps me to totally become immersed and relaxed during the sessions.

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