
savour each word and the way they compliment each other. Try speed reading Christina Rosetti "when I am dead" It just does not work.Speed is not everything
I may be slow, but I do know COMPLIMENT from COMPLEMENT.


Sorry, couldn't resist it!


I don't see why I can't use compliment. Words can praise each other

COMPLIMENT: politely congratulate or praise (someone) for something.

COMPLEMENT: contribute extra features to (someone or something) in such a way as to improve or emphasize their qualities.

OK Can I use enhance?
Good afternoon Mrs Word, you're looking particularly lovely today!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Yes, or even "complement"!

OK OK compleeeement
Hi again - interesting thread - thanks for continuing it - a few pages back someone asked what I used to read ...
'Anything' I used to say, but in fact I have to [u]like[/u] the main character [or want to be her in the case of Elizabeth Bennett!], so probably I read a fairly limited range of books. Sounds a bit wet, books about nice people,but my favourite book of all is Lucky Jim, not a particularly lovely person but one I understand.
Nothing gory, though I read loads of detective stories and skimmed over any gruesome bits. I have broken my recent duck with a lot of Edmund Crispin's Professor Fen stories.
Nothing too soppy, so no Mills and Boon, but quite happy with the occasional loan of chicklit.
Not particularly keen on historical stuff, though that was avoiding the gory again.
Kept reasonably up with new books, when About a Boy, Dog in the Night and suchlike were new.
But mostly I pottered into the library and had a look round and lots of stuff appealed.
Must go and look around the rest of the forum, still haven't looked in all the corners since I popped in again.
Hi M766,
Thanks for continuing the thread and sharing your likes and dislikes. Very interesting , all the varied genres that appeal to you.
I've read only one book by Edmund Crispin - The Moving Toy Shop, a quirky thriller set in Oxford. Would definitely appeal to anyone who knows Oxford.
Intriguing, you saying you only like to read about characters or people you like. Do others agree or disagree ? Let us know !
For myself , Rebecca is one of my favourite books , but interestingly I could shake Max's new wife sometimes , because she is so feeble and I really can't stand Max De Winter mainly for his selfishness !
Am waiting now for the next Favourite Five , when you're ready, please !

Meanwhile , here are some helpful bits from the book , I'm currently reading. 'Read for your Life ' by Pat Williams.
They make you think that it's worth trying to get the habit back again , as could help our condition.


It needs to be exercised on a regular basis so it won't become a pitiful mass of flab in an incredibly brief period of time.
An unexercised arm or leg muscle will atrophy, and the same goes for our brains.

And to end on a light note:

I went to a bookstore and asked the
saleswoman, ' Where's the self-help section ?'
She said if she told me, it would
defeat the purpose.
Lorna - is the Pat Williams you refer to an ex basket-ball player, now a motivational speaker?

My father used to take my my sister & me to Foyles every summer holiday (& then on to the museums) Foyles was a jumble in the 60's. I was doing an RE exam & wanted some book about the NT. The helpful young man at the desk told us that when it came to religion it was a matter of faith. My father chuckled for ages. I was puzzled
Hi a.b.d. !
You're right . He's done a lot with getting children to read as well , Orlando Magic circle.

I don't think everything he's written is gospel , but he's made me think about how I could get back to actually wanting to do it again.
I'm very pleased with the response we're having so far, all down to you for bringing the subject to the fore front. Seems many people feel same as us. See you on s.g.s soon ?
hi Lorna, Anneb., and all,

Been reading your posts on books....I feel very left out.....because the only books I've read by English authors are ones by Agatha Christie, and Jodi Picoult. I have never even heard of the others mentioned here on this "thread".
I read biographies at Mae West, Kathryn Hepburn (a favorite of mine), Judy Garland and others.

I will have to do some find your books....over here.....I love murder mysteries, and true family stories. :smile:
I like historical fiction -Phillippa Gregory "the other Boleyn girl"
My best friend hates such books -she likes to keeep fact & fiction separate
Despite my VERY slow reading ability I just LOVE biographies & autobiographies, particularly of politicians, comedians and sportsmen. Recent favourites are Nelson Mandela, Ian Botham, Tony Benn, James Keir Hardie and Spike Milligan. I've little time for fiction: other people's imaginations aren't as good as my own!

I'm also in the process of writing my own autobiography, as a result of my 7 years of OCD turmoil under DAs, followed by 2 more on bail pending trial for alleged crimes committed during that period (I was eventually let off). I'll let you know if/when it's published so you can all buy copies! LOL. Meanwhile there will be a magazine article about me within the next few weeks: watch this space. I'll try not let the success go to my head! :flushed:


Hi Ray,
Thanks for your post. Am with you on the biography and autobiographies , real people interest me more than made up people as well.
Did you read the Tony Benn diaries he'd written or was it a biography ? I've read extracts from the diaries , very interesting , a bit sad in places when he speaks about his late wife Caroline , and how he manages now he's alone, but , very honest and moving.
I'm not at all surprised you're writing your book , and really wish you success with it ! You are one of a few who is actually getting down to the hard, nitty gritty labour of not just talking about it , you're actually doing it ! And it's a hard thing to do.
Am trying to compile my own top 5, but keep changing my mind or remembering long forgotten books ! I'll be ready soon. Speak again soon :smile:
Hi Ray,

Been extra busy the laundromat, since the dryer is broken and no new one yet (old one is 35 yrs old!)....but I am wondering who Tony Benn is, and Spike Milligan, and the others? COuld you perhaps give me a short introduction to I might want to try and find their books over here? When I finish a book, I put it aside, if I've enjoyed it, for a friend in PA, who is a shut in....she has other health issues, not PD. thanks......:smile:

And it does sound like your own book would be interesting....I'll be watching for it....:wink:
Just to encourage you to maybe read a bit today :

If you can read, you can empathise, luxuriate,
take a chance, have a laugh, hit the road,
witness history, become enlightened,
turn the page, and do it all again.

Oprah Winfrey.