Hi, my name is Daz, i have recently been diagnosed with parkinsons disease. Im 56 yrs old. Started last year in march with in my left quad, then it moved to my hamstring, then my calf, like a bubble travelling in my leg. 1st thought it was a magnesium deficiency, so took magnesium but wasnt that. Then went see a sports massage specialist, whilst on my 3rd visit to have a massage, my left arm started shaking. Was advised see a doctor, was advised there was at least 8month waiting list, so paid privately, whilst i was waiting. Been prescibed sinemet didnt work, then Propranolol, didnt work, then switched to nhs neurologist whos put me on Rotigotine patches, been on over a month at upto 4mg and they are not working. Going back next week so hope, they try something else. Must admit beginning think nothing will work. Im trying focus on my health, nutrition, exercise, supplements etc hoping they will help long term . I was released from work just before all this kicked off. So ive decided to focus on me and try not return to work. Applied for ESA and PIP, go assessment nxt week. Hopefully i can get some financial help. Its strange when you look back, all the symptoms which ive been diagnosed on apart from the tremor,ive had since i can remember , its a strange illness, that i find hard to accept. Hoping to pick up some advice on here to help with the symptoms.
Hi Daz,
Welcome to the forum. You’re sure to get to know our community over time, but for now we would like to make sure you’re aware of a few tools we can provide. Simplest and most direct, we have a free, confidential helpline on 0808 800 0303 staffed with advisors who are happy to answer any questions you have. They can also help with financial aid and other forms of paperwork, and they can put you in contact with groups and resources local to you. They are kind and patient and immensely well-regarded.
We also have a website at Parkinsons.org.uk which is always up to date with news, research, articles, etc. It is also where the forum archives are, so your search results will yield previous conversations on the subject. You may find this page of interest, for a start: Support for you | Parkinson's UK.
We hope you’ll take advantage of these resources and tools, but we also wish you to know that you are not alone.
With our warmest welcome,
Forum Moderator
Good evening Dazman18 … Welcome to our World. I’m 70 & was diagnosed with Atypical Parkinson’s in June 2023 following a positive datscan [which is supposed to be the most reliable test for Parkinson’s]. I’ve had strange symptoms for about
5 years.
Another sign that shows whether someone has Parkinson’s is whether the Parkinson’s medication works or not. Sinemet has made a difference for me.
I am going to see an excellent Neurologist on Wednesday to get another opinion. My first neurologist was a bit of a clown.
I have quite a few other medical issues & I’m on a lot of medication.
My main symptoms are gait freezing & I can’t walk very far or carry anything.
You might have neuropathy as I do.
Any questions please ask.
Best wishes
Thanks for the welcome jason. Ive already phoned the advice line on Monday and am awaiting a call back from a benefits advisor. I hope to gain knowledge and hopefully in time repay the knowledge. Like many being diagnosed, i am researching the hell out of it and hope one day we can crack it
Hi Steve, i do find it strange that ive been into health and fitness all my life. All the things that they say helps parkinson’s ive been doing all my life. The last few years my diet has been on point, i exercise 6 times a week, cold plunge, sauna, sleep circadian rythm, fast, take all the supplements i can.You name it i do it. I go see the parkinson’s nurse on tuesday, i will ask about a datscan then to see if they will and delve a bit deeper. Ive always been called stiff youth because of my bodybuilder stance, never had a sence of smell and often been called micro bladder and well as for a smooth face with no wrinkles, i thought was good genes but apparently they are all parkinson’s
could i really of had parkinsons most my life and only now my dopamine levels have dropped enough to cause the tremors down my left side, its well weird.
We are all different with different symptoms …
Best wishes
This is true Steve, its seems a strange disease and sometimes hard to accept. Hope youre neurologist can sort you out. Take care
Hi Daz
Got diagnosed with parkinsonism late November have had a stiff left lower arm was told by 3 doctors it was an essential tremor, neurologist said different.
had an MRI scan - no issues seen on that, put me on Sinimet told to see how I get on.
Thought my arm was stress related went through redundancy 2 weeks before diagnoses.
Have taken all of this quite badly left not knowing what to do - like you I’m reading up a lot on it and am now more focused on exercise + diet.
I’m 45 need to get another job currently taking a holiday this week to clear my head.
I’m seeing neurologist late Jan for follow up as whilst the medication has stopped my arm being stiff - finding new symptoms have started that I didn’t have before.
Hi JD, its strange you should mention about the stress, as the June before i was diagnosed, my mum passed, which i had sort everything out, i had 3 ops, one after the other and then work let me go. Im sure the stress i was going through at the time had an impact. From a lot of what i read parkinson’s seems to be gut related to the microbiome, so being stressed sends it off. I was also on omoprezol, for years which kills it,so i think that was a contributing factor too, i stopped them as soon as i found out. It does seem the best way to help which we can achieve is the health nutrition side. I hope we can all help each other as time goes on, with things we find out that help. I was talking to a gent of 86 in the sauna the other day, who has a few health issues, but mind as sharp as a tac. He looked at me sincerely and said dont think about it and give it time, as if you give it time, you give it strength. When i think about it, they are very wise words. So i try not dwell on it negatively and just look on trying fix it .
Hi. Sorry that you have had a neurological condition diagnosed. I was diagnosed at age 55 - now 71. It sounds as though you may have Parkinsonism symptoms but without having Parkinson’s Disease. One of the older tests for PD was the levodopa challenge. If you had a good reaction to levodopa medications like summer then you had PD. That test is no longer used as some Parkinsonian syndromes also react to levodooa. As Steve said, a DatScan might help along with a brain MRI. The DatScan does not always give results that are accurate however, and should be interpreted with care. A brain MRI will speak to other brain lesions and things like MS. Even though I live in Norwich, I am still under the care of the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London for my PD.
Hi Doug, when i paid privately to see a neurologist at the beginning, the 1 who put me on sinemet, i also paid privately for an MRI scan. I thought they were looking for something nasty like a tumour, didnt realise they were looking for what you say. Anyway he said all was ok, so assume im clear on both counts. I saw my parkinsons nurse for 1st time yesterday, i told her im coming off these rotigotine patches as seem be doing nothing, apart from giving me restless sleep. She suggested i try Trihexyphensdyl but im reluctant, to keep putting drugs in my body. Ive asked for a datscan and she phoned me back today to go over my chronology, so she can put it forward to see if he will agree to a datscan. Fingers crossed. Have you found anything that eases youre symptoms like supplements?