Reducing doseage of co-careldopa, sinemet etc

Has anyone managed to reduce their dose of co-careldopa, sinemet, caramet etc. successfully, after introducing a regular dose of Opicapone, Ropinirole and other drugs that augment dopamine meds? If so, by how much? What were the benefits?

My HWP did, he was on madopar 125mg 3hrly, plus 4mg ropinerole, when opicapone was introduced he reduced the madopar to 4hrly. Just 1 pill less over 24hrs. However he has more reliable on time since opicapone added. Of course there are many variable days, diet and gut function can throw a spanner in works for him. Every day is a learning day! But hallucinations/compulsive thoughts are not bothersome . He has had them worse in the past. Its a minefield trying to balance medication/diet and symptom control

[quote=“Jandc, post:2, topic:41584”]
However he has more reliable on time since opicapone added

@Jandc Hi. I’m on quite a high daily dose of co-careldopa and was suffering greatly from wear off. I’ve been on Opicapone for a few weeks now. It’s amazing; wear off is virtually a thing of the past. That said, I started with the dreaded involuntary movements, twitching, that I now understand to be dyskinesia caused by too much dopamine. I’m trialling slight reductions in my daily doses, trying to find that fine line, although today I reduced a bit too much. I think I’ll be looking at a reduction of 50-75 mg per day, 2 to 3 pills. Time will tell :blush:.
I too take meds every 3 hrs, 5 times daily. I may try every 4 hrs and see how I get on.