
I have read with interest, all the posts about Ropinirole and the effects it has had on people. My PD nurse wants me to start taking it, but I am reluctant, due to the side effects. I'm on 10mg. of Elderpryl a day at the moment and cope quite well.......(never had shakiness, just slowness and stiffness of right arm). I have been taking this medication for a year now. I sometimes get very frustrated about how long it takes me to do things and my clumsiness, but feel OK otherwise. Yes, I have good days and bad days, like everyone else, but so far it's not stopped me from doing the things I want to do. Should I 'hold off' on the Ropinirole, or start taking it? It's sooooo confusing, because we all react differently to this bloomin' disease!!

Hi Twinks

I  am no expert being fairly newly diagnosed, but I have had no problems with ropinerole. I am currently on 10mg slow release ropinerole. When they first put me on ropinerole I was on the 3 x daily dose and that was horrendous, nausea, sickness, tiredness etc.I ended up by not taking it s being  carer to my young adult daughter, I just could  ot have those problems 3 times a day. Tthis resolved itself as soon as I was changed to the slow release dose.


I was interested in you saying you have a stiff right arm, is this the side of your parkinsons? I am getting immense pain and stiffness in my left arm, not helped maybe by me packing the house up for a move to a bungalow to help my daughter. Has the gp explained what this stiffness is and do you take anything for it?

Tony in Cornwall.


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