Hi everyone i have been asked to try NEUPRO rotigotine any views on this med
Hi, I’ve been on this for a year or so. No side effects apart from a bit itchy. I’m on a low dose though…I think it helps, but its hard to be sure
Mattboxer thx for your feedback
Hi mattboxer
Are u taking any other meds and what strength are your Rotigotine
I’m on Rotigotin. 12mg per day to help with the pain I experience in my lower back and thigh. I’ve been on 12mg a day since Boxing Day so early days yet.
I also take Sinemet Plus, Half Sinemet CR at night, Opicapone and Madopar Dispersible when needed but up to 4 times daily.
Hi manilow56 do u have any side effects from this medication
Hi, i tried them for near 3 months, started on 2mg patches, then upto 4mg patches. Didnt do anything for me, gave me dry mouth, headaches , restless sleep and vivid dreams. Made my tremors worse and restless legs when i came off them for about a week.
Hi all i have been on this drug for 3 days still no relief for restless legs does it take longer to work also have noticed feet swelling up and swallowing has changed
Hi again. No, I’ve had no side effects but I’m now doubting whether the patches are actually doing any good! Two steps forward and one back with this disease.