Self diagnosis using macuna dopa

Hi everyone- anyone tried self diagnosis by eating a load of macuna dopa and seeing what happens? I have been to neuro and had loads of tests nothing has been putting its head above the parapet though. Whole body burning and stiffness main symptoms so not typical symptoms but now getting tight neck shoulder.


Ok replying to myself… i def do feel better generally more upbeat but then one would i suppose. In terms of reducing shoulder pain it seems to be better but not until 24 hrs or so later. One would think it would be more immediate than that if it was pd. And being generally more chilled would relax muscle regardless of reasons for tightness. There could well be a placebo effect ? So jury is out but i will continue tbe experiment. Using 60 mg 15% ldopa macuna caps from Now if anyone interested.


You sound very much like I did especially the neck and shoulders however I have had mine since I was 13!! and I think it’s more Dystonia.

I took one of the Now suppliments with 120mg L-Dopa!! without even realising what it was and I felt the effects in 10mins!! all the stiffness in my legs and hips which had been getting worse over the last 12 months just vanished. I can’t say my neck and shoulder are any better.I took one everyday for a week and I saw a big improvement.

Like you I had various tests all came back clear so I wrote to the consultant explained my reaction to the mucana and he started me on a trial of sinemet.

While I waited for the medication I realised how strong the originals ones were so found some with 50mg L-Dopa and just took one every couple of days which seemed to keep me ticking over.

I have the sinement now 150mg a day and although I feel a lot better in myself it’s not really reducing the muscle tonne (however my legs muscles are massive, so it might take sometime) or it seems to be a lot more slow and steady compared to the rapid results I first saw on the Dopa Mucana.

I recommend reading the book Mucana v Parkinsons by Rafael Gonzalez Maldonado if you want to know more and he even gives you an idea of what dosage you should be taking.

Also if it’s just muscle tightness and no other Parkinsons symptoms maybe ask them about Dopa Responsive Dystonia.

Hi Phil that’s interesting. I was under the impression that 60mg of 15% ldopa was a relatively low dose but maybe not. My legs started to get stiff together a couple of yrs ago starting with a burning sensation so not sure what it is. Will have a look at the book thanks for the heads up.


If the L-Dopa is only 15% of a 60mg tablet then that is low or is the L-Dopa 60mg? I was taking a 800mg tablet with 15% L-dopa so 120g.

The guy that wrote the book also has a website

The now capsules are labelled 120mg l/d for 2 so 60mg in each. Im not sure how this corresponds to sinemet.