Seriousness of taking medication on time

Hi my name is Colin Rickards, chemistI have had Parkinson’s for about 10years now and I would like to tell you about an experience that happened to me on Tuesday.
I will start with a routine visit to my Doctor on Monday about a patch I had been using for Parkinson’s over the past month, he(doctor) sent a repeat prescription over to the pharmacy to be picked up later, when I got home we (my wife and I) went out to Southend for a walk.
We got back around 4.30pm to find a message on our answer phone from the chemist informing us that it has to be ordered and would not be in until after midday on the Tuesday. …I was also fitted with hearing aids which was causing excessive noise
My patch actually ran out on the Monday…Tuesday morning I took my normal medication apart from the patch but unbeknown to me the patch was very important as well as the medication…11 o,clock came and went as did my 2.00 pm medication but still no patch as my wife had a doctors appointment but was delayed because of an emergency I did not get the patch until nearly 4 o’clock by this time I became agitated and argumentive…by 8 o’clock I had had enough of the noise and arguments so I went out of the front door from then on everthing became a blur resulting on me being missing for 9 hours until the police found me in A&E and bought me home to a worried wife who had reported me missing at 2.00am in the morning…Once normal medication had resumed I gradually regained my memory of that night…I had walked (stumbled) for what I now know was aprox 10 miles in which no-one approach to ask if I was ok even when I reached the hospital still no-one asked if I was ok and I sat there thinking my wife had checked me in it was around 3.30am when I finally approached the desk to see if I had been checked in but when asked what my name was I could not remember it was only after they checked my wallet and revealed my name then the police arrived I was never checked over to see if I had any injuries just told I was ok to go home…the motto of this story is that your medication is availiable to use at the exact time you are suppose to use it…I have thanked the police for their prompt action in searching for me both on the ground and in a helicopter and apart from a few bruises and a pulled hamstring I am ok…signing off a very worried Colinr


Hi Colinr
I am afraid that’s the way of today’s society including A&E .
Still I’m glad you’re safe and well.
I have F N D and as a result constantly shake and get agitated extremely easily .
I was banned from my local Sainsbury’s and I’m positive the tremor was part of that however even a letter to the executive could not change the decision I believe they think I’m an addict of sorts.
I’m also a carer for my wife who is type 1 diabetic amongst other things .
She collapsed in the street trying to reach a bakery to get something sweet and couldn’t make it so the public just walked round her treating her as a roundabout probably assuming she was under the influence however she managed to ring my number and even though I couldn’t understand what she was saying I rushed to her and administered glucagon which was in her bag only then did people ask me if she was ok .
It’s a sign of the times people just don’t care.
Also two years ago I was in an Asda store in Wheatley when I noticed a young man having a meltdown and his dad was agitated because he couldn’t get him to his car .
No staff were interested in this commotion so I told the dad I would look after him till he brought his car to the door he said" are you sure sometimes he can be violent " I replied it’s not an issue for me and I understand and promise not to hit him back as obviously it’s not his fault .
The dad couldn’t thank me enough when he got him into the car.
But I was only doing what people should do simply help
Tommy :pill:


So glad this ended in a good way Colin, i didnt know either about how important it is to use the patches at the same time. Thank you for letting us all know, hope your feeling ok again now

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