Sertraline 50mg

Doctor has put hubby on Sertraline 50mg but an hour after taking it he says he feels as though his body is burning but yet is cool to the touch. Anyone else had these symptoms ?

Hi @Visionvalue,

Welcome back to the forum.

This doesn’t sound right at all. Your husband may be experiencing a side effect to his medication and I would encourage you contact your husband’s GP or Parkinson’s nurse about this as soon as possible so that they can review his medication. You’ll probably receive some helpful advice from our members, but in the meantime, feel free to give our helpline a call for more support on this. Give us a call on 0808 800 0303 or email us at [email protected].

Best wishes,

“Burning” is listed on Sertraline’s side effects as well as on lists of withdrawal symptoms. Online sites give much more detail than the patient information leaflets.

I only had blepharospasm following an anti-emetic. Then my gp gave me Sertraline which I only took for 13 days followed by 2 days of Amitriptyline. Over the next few months my gp noted: “tightening of muscles and neck, very jerky breathing, involuntary movements in eyes, mouth, neck, pins and needles, pain and spasms around jaw and facial muscles causing difficulties with speech”

Sertraline Side Effects. Last updated on Dec 6, 2018. For the Consumer

Less Common [includes]: burning, crawling, itching, numbness , prickling, “pins and needles”, or tingling feelings

The ‘extreme’ side-effects of antidepressants By Lesley Ashmall BBC Victoria Derbyshire programme 19 Oct.2016

Brigitte, from Exeter, said: “I couldn’t walk and was experiencing the most horrendous sensory sensations. My muscles were burning, I had facial twitches, terrible night sweats and numbness on my forehead.”

Another Firsthand Experience and Description of the Terrors of Akathisia December 2, 2017

Within the first few days of taking Zoloft I had side effects, most of which I was aware were common:
· Headaches
· Strange burning sensations on my arms
· Dry mouth, causing me to drink water excessively
· Slight chest pain
· Nausea and lack of appetite — I felt disgusted by food
· Increased sweating

Pain management in patients with Parkinson’s disease: challenges and solutions O.Skogar and J. Lokk J Multidiscip Healthc. 2016; 9: 469–479.

Traditionally, pain in PD is classified into five domains:

musculoskeletal, radicular/neuropathic, dystonia-related, akathitic, and central pain.

The most common pain syndromes are musculoskeletal and dystonic.

Central PD pain is less common, but important to recognize; it can be intermittent or persistent in nature and is often described by patients as diffuse aching, burning, or cramping.

Does Parkinson’s Hurt? Article written by Jackie Hunt Christensen .

The types of pain associated with Parkinson’s include:

aching or burning pain from muscles or skeleton,

sharp pain from a nerve or nerve root,

numbness or “pins and needles” pain also radiating from a nerve or nerve root,

pulsing or aching pain that results from tightness or ongoing twisting and writhing movements (dyskinesia), restlessness caused from akathisia,

and sudden, sharp burning pain that occurs for no known reason.

Withdrawal from Sertraline July 27, 2015 Postscript [includes]… burning pains