Severe pins and needles constantly

Good morning
A few months ago I started to get a sharp pain running the length of my fore arm and then the pins and needles started and now it is constant in my right hand fore finger, middle finger and thumb and it is driving me up the wall
I have been back and forth to the GP who has referred me to the hospital for testing and I have been placed on the waiting list
Anyone else have this problem?
Thanks in advance xx

Hi Mariav 70 I too had the same symptoms as you describe I went to see a surgeon who said it was my carpol tunnel that’s in your wrist. When I went for a check up he asked for marks out of 10 I said 2 I think this shocked, he then examined my neck and just said Oh!!! its your spine, When my date came to see my PD nurse she told me to see my GP, saw GP who sent me for Physio , Physio would not start till I had a scan. next phone call from QMC they wanted to see me in spinal unit, next 2-5 veribra dry no liguard around them, "2nd FEB 2023 QMC opp still recovering. What i found was that most of my stymtons were what you could get with PD.