Severe Shaking Waking Up

I wake up every morning and shake quite violently for 10 - 20 seconds. This has been going for a couple of years. I also have a mild hand tremour which I’ve had for several years which I put down to ‘too much computer keyboarding’! I’ve seen a consultant at NNNH who says that I have mild PD sysmptoms but has not come across anyone with PD having these violent shakes. I asked for some medicatiion as a ‘trial’ and have used RASAGILINE for some months but it has not done anything. I’m incline to the view that the shaking is due to something other than PD. I would appreciate any thoughts.

Hi GlynWhite,

We’re sorry to hear you’re going through these challenges. While you should hear from community members soon, we would also direct you toward two resources of which you may not be aware. You can find loads of helpful information on our website here:, and also please feel encouraged to reach out to our free and confidential helpline on 0808 800 0303 to speak with one of our brilliant advisors. They have many different services they can provide, including connecting you with medical care in your area.

With our warmest welcome,

Forum Moderator

I have the same symptoms but I definitely have PD. I have had PD for 7 years since diagnosis but this is a recent new symptom. I haven’t talked to my consultant about it (meant to but forgot). I will post if I get any more info.