Should have""

I was happily driving along when I encountered a traffic jam; that's when the "should haves" started:

Should have taken a different route...

Should have set off earlier...

Should have done more...

Should have done it differently...

Should have done better...

Should have known...

Should have lived a better life before Parkinson's hit...

Should have been married before Parkinson's hit...

Should have coped...

Should have been different...

When this happens I get out of the car and walk to the nearest cul de sac and go round and round. "Should have" gives you no exit; there is no possible way to change the past so no possible way to act on and resolve the "should have".

Live in the present; this is the point in time where you can drive around the traffic jam.

dr jonny
My mother was gifted with hindsight and what a pain that was!!
You can get that from swallowing a glass eye.