Sinemet increased

Just had my meds (Sinemet) increased after 3 yrs. Was taking 25/100 Sinemet Plus 3 times a day — added 12.5/50 Sinemet to be taken together 3 times a day. Also added Sinemet CR 50/200 slow release to take 1 at night before bed.
Since this increase I’m now suffering from painful spasms in my feet and legs, worse at night, stopping me sleeping. It’s awful and I’m soooo tired. Don’t know what to do with myself. Could this be due to the Sinemet increase?? Any advice appreciated. Thank you, Barbara.

Hello BarbH
I think it is always worth checking out changes in medication that seem to have created different problems or do not agree with you in some way, with your medical team. Medication is a big part of Parkinson’s but it is not always easy to get it right and changes to your medication routine can be as challenging as introducing a completely new drug. In your shoes I would be wanting a review.
I hope it can be something that is sorted quickly - if you are anything like me, fatigue is very difficult to cope with and very debilitating if it takes hold in a big way.
Best wishes.

Hello @BarbH,

It’s nice to see you posting again. I’m very sorry to hear your recent medication increase is causing you such difficulties, though - I can understand the frustration!

@Tot is absolutely correct and I could not have said it better myself. Getting a dosage just right is not always easy, and it might take a few tries, so please do speak to your healthcare professionals regarding the changes you’ve noticed. There is no reason for you to struggle through the increase - if it is not working for you, that’s okay. The idea is to bring improvement to your life!

Let us know how you get on.

Best wishes,
Forum Moderation Team

Hi Joy, thanks for your message. My Parkinsons nurse agreed for me to stop taking the slow release overnight sinemet. It’s taken almost a week but the overnight spasms are almost gone. My sleeping hasn’t quite returned to normal, still have the occasional night when I’m wide awake but it is improving. Thanks again for your support, much appreciated.

Hi Tot, thank you so much for your message. After speaking to my Parkinsons nurse we agreed I should stop taking the slow release sinemet. It seems to have worked as the spasms have almost gone. I still have nights when I get no sleep at all but at least I’m not in pain. Really appreciate your support, thank you, Barb.

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Very good news sometimes a bit of adjustment is all that’s needed.

Hi @BarbH,

This is wonderful to hear! I’m glad things have improved for you, and hopefully they continue to do so. Thanks so much for the update - it means a great deal to us to know you are feeling better.

Best wishes,
Forum Moderation Team