Slipped disc surgery and PD


I recently got another fallback with my back, as my slipped disc seemed to move again, causing unbearable pain, but no other issues e.g. loss of sensation etc.
I am now being advised to go for a surgery (called Nucleotomy I believe) and I am not sure what to do. Being only diagnosed with PD last year might be an advantage than to wait, but it is a complex surgery that doesn‘t always succeed and might cause even more trouble both with PD and the back…

Do you by chance have a similar experience or any advice? Thank you

Hi @Koru,

I hope all is well.

I’m really sorry to hear about your slipped disc, I can imagine how uncomfortable not to mention painful this has been for you. I can appreciate why you might be a bit indecisive about having surgery, this isn’t the easiest decision to make especially when you have Parkinson’s.

I think you should give our helpline a call and speak to one of our advisers about this - they’ll be able to stir you in the right direction and can even put you in contact with a Parkinson’s nurse for more help and support.

Please feel free to call them on 0808 800 0303.

Many thanks,

Hi Koru,
My experience a few years ago : After a MRI scan to investigate and find compressed & slipped discs, it was recommended I should have surgery; but I decided first to visit a Sports injury Physiotherapist and requested that he stretched my spine after a massage and point me in the right direction with some Exercises, and to my relief the problem eased.

I then designed floor exercises based on the Physiotherapists advice to help stop a return of the problem…I now do the exercises on a regular basis and ensure I drink enough water to help the Discs rejuvenate from daily pressure etc.

That was at least three plus years ago and I have not looked back; perhaps grateful for his words that surgery is the very last option for anyone to consider.

My exercises are described here []

I hope you can find relief through the best means for your particular difficulties and situation.

Hi there

At present have 4 discs out of place and taking morphine as prescribed by Dr for pain.
I am awaiting surgery which I will be getting within the next 2 months.

For me the decision was easy as having a life or not having a life
As at present i am stuck in-house unless someone takes me out.
I have had PD for 5 years and rheumatoid arthritis for 20 years.

I also have to watch my neck as I have a space in between the bone in my neck and was told I could only go through surgery if life threatening. So the time is now.

Don’t get me wrong I am scared.

Babs X

This is so difficult because everyone’s case is different. BUT for what it is worth, I would say try and give an exercise regime a chance to work first. I have twice been in hospital on morphine for disc problems. The first time at hospital A I was told I had done well on bed rest and there would be no more problems. 2nd time at hospital B I was sent for a course of exercise classes (a mish mash of light yoga and pilates) that was in 2002 and only occasional slight twinges since which go when I gently exercise. The drawback with all of that is that you have to be in a good enough condition to start the exercising. Best of luck, in the end I fear it is luck.

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