Spacial Awareness & Rigidity

I often bump into things with my upper body and shoulders, usually a door, cabinet edge or a particular post at work.

When this happens I get a shudder of awful pain down my back, it takes my breath away. I believe it’s due to my body being so stiff.

I’m not on any meds yet, decided to stay off them as long as i can.

Anyone else experience this?


Hi @JonJoe,

Sadly, loss of balance and lack of spacial awareness is quite common affects many people with Parkinson’s. We have more information on this on our website in addition to information on how to avoid bumps and falls. You can find this information here -

This link above also has some useful contacts that you may want to consider.

I hope you find this useful.

Best wishes,

Yes, I walk into things on my left, often catching my left arm in a doorway. The physio thought it was because I was leaning to the left. After I did LSVT Big I don’t do it so often. It’s never caused me any pain, just made me look rather clumsy.

So glad you are not on meds yet. I was diagnosed in 2008, when I finally went to a dr, but “self-diagnosed” it in 1995 after 3 years of trying to figure out what was going on. I have never been on any PD meds and am doing well. Of course some PDers advance faster and aren’t as blessed as us. Hope this is an encouragement.