Speech therapy

My husband struggles with his speech trying to think of words and trying to get words out and it is difficult to have a conversation with him. The PD nurse has referred him to SALT but there appears to be a long waiting list. She also suggested contacting Parkinson’s Disease UK charity as she said they will have resources available in relation to speech issues. Does anyone know who I could contact at this charity as I cannot find any relevant information. We live in North Yorkshire.

Hello FRANH … Phone the free help-line here 0808 800 0303

Best wishes

Thank you, will do.

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Hello FRANH this is a link to information on the Parkinson’s UK site. I hope it helps.


Phone your gp and ask to referred to a speech therapist, or phone pd nurse. Also i think you can ask occupational therapist through gp

Thank you for your advice. My husband has been referred more than once by PD area nurse but again we have not been given an appointment although she knows how bad his speech is. Just a long waiting list apparently.

maximtimeclock@FRANH ,

While there might be a waiting list, it’s worth contacting your local NHS trust’s speech and language therapy department. They can assess your husband’s needs and provide therapy, potentially including group sessions for Parkinson’s patients. Here’s an example from Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust covering some areas in North Yorkshire.
Consider seeking private speech therapy if waiting times for NHS services are too long. You can find therapists specializing in neurological conditions like Parkinson’s. ACT for Yorkshire Ltd is an example offering services in Leeds and potentially willing to travel to North Yorkshire depending on location.