
can anyone give any advice, i am currently stalevo, that i take four times a day, but the tablets are only giving me 2 hours of battery life, I take a tablet at 8 and by 10, I am incapacitated my ears have a constant ringing my eyes cannot focus, dribbling unable to stand, and i have to sit there until i take my 12am tablet, this is the same for the rest of the day, my quality of life is very poor, any advice or help ,would be appreciated.

Hello, Marc. I’m sorry to hear you’re having problems with Stalevo. Those symptoms sound scary and uncomfortable and I’m sure you’d like some help with this as soon as possible. I hope that some of our friendly members will be able to share their own experiences with you very soon.

I’d strongly recommend that you contact your GP about this. They’re the only person who can help you with medication concerns. They may need to change your dose and help you combat the side effects. If you’d like to speak to our helpline an adviser could put you in touch with a Parkinson’s nurse. Please feel free to give them a call on 0808 300 0303.

You can read more about Stalevo and other similar medications here.

I hope you get some help very soon.
Forum Moderation Team

Thankyou Janice

Hi Marc, my husband is currently having similar problems, not on stalevo, but with a big change in his ‘battery life’. As the moderator has said, you definitely need to seek gp and or Parkinsons nurse advice. This condition is so different for every individual, and the medications have limits in their usefulness for each person. I’m a big believer in being pro active in all hubby’s treatment needs. You have to keep at the care providers to get the assistance you need and deserve. I hope you have better news soon.