Starting to take Siminet

Hello. My mum (86 yrs) ) has just started taking Sinemet . Half dose for a week then she will go up the full dose. She is feeling extremely tired after taking it and a bit more shaky. Is this usual?

Any advice be helpful so I can support her. Thank you

Good morning Goodgrief20 … I am 70 & was diagnosed with Atypical Parkinson’s just over a year ago. I was first put on Madopar for a week, then Ropinirole for 10 days. Then Sinemet & like your Mum I started with a low dose & upped it week by week to where it is now. My experience with the first two drugs was negative but I am pleased with Sinemet & it does help me.

But I do have sleep issues with nightmares & being unable to sleep & I feel tired & fatigued a lot of the time. I have been put on Quetiapine to help me sleep & control the extreme nightmares.

I am not sure & my Parkinson’s nurse is not sure whether these fatigue / sleep issues are down to Parkinson’s OR Sinemet OR the other medication I take OR other not-diagnosed problems.

So what do I do / what should your Mum do? I guess it is working out whether the benefits of Sinemet are worth the side issue problems.

Your Mum is quite an age & fatigue issues do happen when you are the grand age of 86.

It does take quite a while for our bodies to tolerate a new drug. Things may get easier for her in time.

Any questions please ask.

Best of luck

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Thank you for the reply.

Mums fatigue is more than the usual for her age so I guess it’s just getting used to a new drug. She is suffering a lot of pain from her knee which is ‘shot’ so we are working in getting her stronger before she gets a new knee. Hopefully she will get used to the sinimet - early days.