Stories about equipment for rehab or moving people in bed

Hello everyone, :wave:

We’re hearing from health professionals that they’re struggling to access rehabilitation equipment like 4 wheeled walkers, rollators or zimmer frames for their patients with Parkinson’s.

Also some have shared they’ve had problems getting equipment to help people in and out of bed. Many have told us that they should encourage their patients and carers to order it themselves from online retailers.

Has this happened to you or the person with Parkinson’s you care for?

If you’ve struggled to get this equipment or have been encouraged to order it online, please email [email protected] to share your story. We want to ensure that the UK Government takes action to ensure the NHS has enough rehabilitation equipment to support people with Parkinson’s to get in/out of bed and move around their home.

Sharing your story could help us to get the Government and the NHS to take urgent action.

Thanks in advance for your contribution. :slightly_smiling_face:

Best wishes,

Hello Reah
May I ask if the issue is caused by budget constraints or problems with supply in the main‽
Or is there some other issue?

Hi @Tot, :wave:

Thanks for your question, I have passed this onto my colleague as she has more information topic and I’ll be in contact in due course with an update.

Best wishes,

Thank you Reah