
I also couldn't access the link but followed your alternative instructions.

Dr Oz made it clear that he thinks skin cells from the patient's own body  will produce the dopamine-producing cells in " single figure years".


Thank you for such an encouraging link wgpchap!  Take note, Nostromo ! You can plan out how you will cope for up to 9 years and then your life will be whatever you want it to be.






I'm sorry it's this hard with you.  

I'm so clumsy with words these days, and I'm worried I could sound like I'm minimising all you are living with, and facing in the future by saying this. I don't mean to, it's just an idea.   I think selegiline is one of the drugs that can make suicidal feelings worse for some people.  I know even if selegiline wasn't the right medicine for you,  this doesn't change everything that's happening.

Your openess helps me.

I hope you can find some way through all this.   

all best





Thankyou to everyone here for your kind and supportive messages.



             SO thats it then,you are going to snuff out your life, look at it this way, would your mother want you to do this, would she stand by and let her beautiful son extinguish his life, I think not, or are you of the mistaken belief that if you take your life you will be reunited with the most important person in your life for it is my belief that you do actually return from whence way came,life arrived on this pristine world aboard Comets millions of them, 17 000 000 000 000 and 2 years ago, a swirling superheated mass where no life could possibly survive ever so slowly the ball of burning rock began to cool, 14 billion yrs ago comets continued their assaults big comets little comets hammered this rapidly cooling planet, on and on the firepower in even the smallest being many times the explosive power of all the nukes in the worlds armoury, 9 Billion cooler, 6 billion not there yet then about 41/2 Billion yrs ago a group of massive comets strike home but these are special, special deliveries if you like for they contain all the necessary ingredients for life to begin, known and recognised as primeval soup, a foul smelling stench, go to any sewage treatment plant and take a lungfull NOSTROMO THE STENCH OF HUMAN EFFLUENT, thats how this world would smell like 41/2 Billion yrs ago,its caused by bacteria breaking down the excrement and thousands of other bio degradable lumps of s!!t that  flow into treatment works every day, so where were we AHHH YES Bacteria, Nossy,bacteria my friend thats where all of us came from, the DNA IN THE BROTH sorry soup was probably activated by the millions of lightning strikes pounding our slowly cooling planet until one of those bolts,containing more power than all the worlds power stations put together , strikes  at exactly the right time in exactly the right place, and the DNA is agitated or annoyed if you prefer and the first bacterium begins to mutate,single cell ameoba  that is where we come from Nossy single cell , then double cell then quad cell , then octocell then sixteenocell I know I know I AM being silly, and disrespectfull some might say, well if I AM, its because you are going to waste the most advanced version of that single mutated cell, that cell was not self aware, it had no brain only about another Billion yrs would cruise past by then early  Lichens mosses ferns had colonised the more hospitable areas , they loved the carbon rich atmospere and as with any living thing on earth as they consumed carbon they evacuated OXYGEN, the necesary gasses had accumulated now toaccelerate life the plants on land became massive and the sea dwellers, or fish if you like developed a taste for the plants so much so that the first amphibians mutated, they could live on land and in the water, some found it preferable on land and chose to live there instead so they mutated and the first mammals arrived and lived along with the biggest creatures ever to walk the earth, DYNAMOS,, no no DYNASAURS  a large chunk of another planet took them out or we would  not be here, so a giant piece of rock saved us, life came from the black void of space and multiplied , then another space traveller wiped out the Trexs and Brontos all gone, then it was the mammals that ruled, then monkeys, apes THEN US ,now I know you are intelligent Nossy so you will understand my reason  for this preamble through the history of life, life is here purely by chance  this ball of rock was in the right place at the right time ,and 4 Billion yrs later you and I stand upon its surface , dont throw all those mutated cells, billions of them that make you what you are,,away they need you not to self destruct young man, so fight for them they deserve to survive dont you think

                                                                I hope I can convince you to stay            FED



                       Nostromo you are not very chatty,you say you are gay, well that is no reason to leave I am straight but have two gay friends, both of them are lookers and I often think what a waste but they are happy with themselves and live life to the full, you are a handsome young man, so go and find someone who will give you love and affection , you can do it son, I said to myself this morning I would send you a post explaining why I sent you the previous post,, its such a waste there must be something  that inspires you, there are voluntary groups that would gladly accept the help and assistance of someone  with experience   of being gay   you are not a monster,  in your avatar I see a man with a happy smile, a confident smile, so I know you are hurting, god knows how I will cope when my mum dies she has always been the matriarch of our family and has been  a wonderful mother to me sister and brother," there is a song with those words" so my friend, there that word friend YOU ARE MY FRIEND AND I DO NOT WANT TO LOSE YOU  there are hundreds of friends here on our Forum and if you do not reply to our posts will that mean you have already "gone and done it" those words are also in a song by one of the sexiest raunchiest female  singers, she is a looker very successful with the initials   S T, so are we going to hear from you son are you ignoring the plea echoing throughout or have you already started your journey to infinity and beyond,, " who said those words"  If you are enroute as it were then I will have wasted 6 more braincells formulating this post, do let us know your decision a positive one I hope if not integrate with this laptop and press YYY FOR YES YOU HAVE DONE IT or NNN  for you arestill with us I would not usualy devote so much time to a individual who wants to die Nossy or Nossie but  I DO NOT WANT YO TO DIE ON US and just when we have made your aquaintance .

                                        VIA CON DIAS, ASTA LUEGO and ADIOS COMPADRE

                                                                     your friend Fed



I'm sorry if I have caused concern. I should have been clearer in my earlier post. I have no intention of making any decisions whilst my Mum is still alive, I would never put her through that !!

When she has passed I will look at suicide as an option if my PD advances and affects my quality of life and takes away my independence. I have no other family that this decision will affect and have discussed my plans openly with friend's who whilst upset, understand.

Fedex, I appreciate the time you have spent with those messages. A decision to end my life would have little to do with my being gay. That's just part of my genetic make up that I could not change even if I wanted to, and I don't want to, even if it has dictated a life that I haven't always wanted, but hey we are all in that boat and I don't have the monopoly there ! lol

Again, I want to thank forum members here for  the kind and supportive messages. I am not about to make any rash decision's, I see this in a more pragmatic rather than emotive way.



Hello Nostromo

I am more than pleased to read this post, I am sure you will work things out and do well you are obviously very intelligent and your future will despite parky will be rewarding.

Keep us updated and I wish you well,                        Fedcool


I fully understand where you are coming from and the point you are trying to put across

I loved my father with all my heart i worshipped the ground he walked upon and watching what was once a proud man who fought for this country in the second world war  suffer with  terminal cancer broke my heart and i always said that is not something i would want to ever put my children through and i always said that if ever i got diagnosed with a illness that took away my capabilities to do things for myself then i would no longer want to live when i got to a stage i could no longer have a quality of life then i would think seriousley about ending my own life , dont anyone get me wrongi am not suicidal  but it is not how i would want to live my life  , so yes totally understand what your saying