Swallowing and speech

Hi - my husband has Parkinsons - diagnosed 2019. His speech and swallowing have deteriorated. Has anyone had any success using iQoro?

Hi KittyKat4,

I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2020. Had a few issues with speech and swallowing so I contacted my Parkinson’s nurse. She put me in touch with a speech and language therapist. Had a few, I think 3, sessions where we went through some vocal exercises. Sorted my problem without the use of gadgets or anything else you have to put in your mouth.

As always, what works for me might not work for you. You don’t say where you got the iQoro from, but the only suggestion I have is, if I have a problem I think might be Parkinson’s related my first port of call is my Parkinson’s nurse.

Never tried the iQoro, didn’t even know it existed so I can’t comment on its success rate.

Hope this helps.


Hi Martin - he’s had speech therapy and in regular contact with Parkinsons nurse. Been some recent deterioration and just looking for anything else to help.

Hi @KittyKat4,

I’ve very sorry to hear about your husband’s swallowing deteriorating. It’s good that you are exploring options and alternatives for him.

Regarding the iQoro, there are many people with Parkinson’s that find the iQoro to be helpful in strengthening muscles that assist in swallowing, as well as controlling drooling and reflux. There are many, however, that have not found the iQoro to be that beneficial. As @LIVERpool1956 was saying, what works for one may not work for another. I hope that other members come along to share their thoughts with you soon.

If you are looking for further ideas on how your husband may be able to improve his swallowing, you can look at our support pages here and here which has a few tips.

I hope he finds some relief soon.

Forum Moderator


My dad is 88 and had Parkinson’s for 12 years.
Ive never been too concerned with his speech until recently.
Understanding him on the phone is definitely getting more difficult but he’s under the weather at the moment and on antibiotics for an infection.
Temperature was high yesterday but slowly reducing but his speech is really slurred. He has a live in carer who says his speech suffers when he’s more tired which I hear and understand.
Should I be concerned?? Any thoughts?

Hi Sue,
We just wanted to take a moment to welcome you to the forum, and make sure you know the resources available to you, along with the wisdom and support provided by our lovely community. We recommend having a look at this section of our website which might shed some light on your dad’s difficulties with speech lately. We also have a free and confidential helpline you can call, staffed with friendly and knowledgeable advisers who are happy to answer any questions you have. You can reach them at 0808 800 0303.
We hope this helps, and please accept our best wishes to you and your family,
Moderation Team

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