Since being diagnosed with PD I've started to write poetry (badly), attacked crosswords ferociously (but not successfully), resumed cross stitch embroidery (bit hit and miss) and commenced torchon lace-making (tossing the bobbins till I seize up).
Has anyone else noticed a change in abilities or activities?
I understand that often, for example, if you lose your sight, your hearing becomes more acute.
I know exactly how life changes when your progression of PD really starts to show but has anyone found this to be true, that when we lose some sense, we gain another?
Is it just grabbing at straws or can we be hopeful that other parts of our brains are expanding as others are diminishing?
Hi Cecily,
I personally think it could be either due to the affects of dopamine enhanced by the dopergenic affects of the drugs we take to control Parkinson's symptoms. Dopamine stimulates the pleasure, reward seeking part of our brains which gives us drive and motivation, which encourages us to be creative. If we enjoy what we are doing and are rewarded by it, we do it more and the brain soon connects the link of the activity creating a feeling of pleasure and happiness and makes us crave it more. On the other hand it could be that by performing these activities, it may increase dopamine signalling, such as unexpected rewards along the way, may enhance the desire to perform well during and after learning. This could lead to better performance of learned tasks." So the drive to learn new skills is motivated by dopamine.
Food, sex, exercise, doing things that make us happy and give us drive hence writing poetry, doing crosswords etc all increase dopamine signalling. So I suppose unknowingly we are helping our brains to produce new brain cells.
That's my theory anyway. So perhaps by tossing those bobbins and writing poetry you are subconsciously trying to stimulate dopamine. Or it could be the meds
The real question is, are you enjoying what you are doing or are you driven to do it by the meds?
Cutiepie x
I personally think it could be either due to the affects of dopamine enhanced by the dopergenic affects of the drugs we take to control Parkinson's symptoms. Dopamine stimulates the pleasure, reward seeking part of our brains which gives us drive and motivation, which encourages us to be creative. If we enjoy what we are doing and are rewarded by it, we do it more and the brain soon connects the link of the activity creating a feeling of pleasure and happiness and makes us crave it more. On the other hand it could be that by performing these activities, it may increase dopamine signalling, such as unexpected rewards along the way, may enhance the desire to perform well during and after learning. This could lead to better performance of learned tasks." So the drive to learn new skills is motivated by dopamine.
Food, sex, exercise, doing things that make us happy and give us drive hence writing poetry, doing crosswords etc all increase dopamine signalling. So I suppose unknowingly we are helping our brains to produce new brain cells.
That's my theory anyway. So perhaps by tossing those bobbins and writing poetry you are subconsciously trying to stimulate dopamine. Or it could be the meds

Cutiepie x
Good morning cecily
Since being diagnosed my daughter bought me a nintendo DS and now they think it's glued to my hand I try everything on it and it's great. As you say it's a way of getting some part of the brain working, as this is one of the things that I'm worried about that I will lose my marbles sooner rather than later. Also the sex things I'm more into that than when my kids were younger not that my husband is complaining. Keeping active is the important thing, I'm also finding that I am eating a lot more sweet things, and putting weight on which I do not want. I try to keep on the go and sitting around with my DS won't help. Just like you I think it's the medication. Have a good day.
Since being diagnosed my daughter bought me a nintendo DS and now they think it's glued to my hand I try everything on it and it's great. As you say it's a way of getting some part of the brain working, as this is one of the things that I'm worried about that I will lose my marbles sooner rather than later. Also the sex things I'm more into that than when my kids were younger not that my husband is complaining. Keeping active is the important thing, I'm also finding that I am eating a lot more sweet things, and putting weight on which I do not want. I try to keep on the go and sitting around with my DS won't help. Just like you I think it's the medication. Have a good day.

Good Evening Cecily
Congratulations you talented person you! I bet you thoroughly enjoy your craft work and I reckon you're pretty proud of yourself at the end of a 'session'. Up until retirement I was making and mending things and should have had enough but I know now that I spend too much time in the workshop, sometimes working on projects that are beyond economical repair. What I'm trying to say is, we must all know when to stop - there's always tomorrow. You know only too well PD sufferers can become obsessed with all sorts of things.
There's something in the brain that drives us on. I think I'm back to the question of our drugs again. Whether it's the drugs or PD I agree with you in that our senses change. As mentioned on previous posts mine and a few other members hearing has become super sharp but we have also noticed significant and not so good changes to our sight or speech.
Changing the subject slightly. With all the differing symptoms and reactions to the drugs prescribed it drives home just what a complicated 'thing' this PD is. Yet, the researchers are optimistic when speaking of a cure. Good luck to them!
All the Best (could I order a pair of long-johns for the winter) Cecily
Congratulations you talented person you! I bet you thoroughly enjoy your craft work and I reckon you're pretty proud of yourself at the end of a 'session'. Up until retirement I was making and mending things and should have had enough but I know now that I spend too much time in the workshop, sometimes working on projects that are beyond economical repair. What I'm trying to say is, we must all know when to stop - there's always tomorrow. You know only too well PD sufferers can become obsessed with all sorts of things.
There's something in the brain that drives us on. I think I'm back to the question of our drugs again. Whether it's the drugs or PD I agree with you in that our senses change. As mentioned on previous posts mine and a few other members hearing has become super sharp but we have also noticed significant and not so good changes to our sight or speech.
Changing the subject slightly. With all the differing symptoms and reactions to the drugs prescribed it drives home just what a complicated 'thing' this PD is. Yet, the researchers are optimistic when speaking of a cure. Good luck to them!
All the Best (could I order a pair of long-johns for the winter) Cecily
Spending a lot of time on repetitive tasks ("punding") is a very common side effect of PD meds, particularly dopamine agonists. Sewing, knitting, even counting pebbles or sorting scrabble tiles into alphabetical order are regular pastimes which PwP often spend hours on.
DAs have also been known to completely change the normal styles of painters, poets, etc. Some artists have been known to change from painting gentle country scenes (for example) to wild, angry, demonic images.
DAs have also been known to completely change the normal styles of painters, poets, etc. Some artists have been known to change from painting gentle country scenes (for example) to wild, angry, demonic images.
Hi Cecily and Co,
Cheers, just when I had started to think that my new found handy work, that has now progress to oil painting,(abstract), was because i now have time on my hands , and that it was only my hidden talents coming out.............................only to be told that its the drugs.
Pablo Lewis

Cheers, just when I had started to think that my new found handy work, that has now progress to oil painting,(abstract), was because i now have time on my hands , and that it was only my hidden talents coming out.............................only to be told that its the drugs.
Pablo Lewis

LOL....Don't worry, many of the world's most creative artists, poets, composers etc were/are regular drug users - even the Beatles wrote their best music during their LSD days, & Hendrix was forever stoned!
Are you suggesting that we all take up a new and more exciting drug regime Big R? You really do have the best ideas!!!
On a more serious note, I have rediscovered the library and I'm reading anything and everything as one of the things PD gives you is time. A cataract op was a boon also as it really helps when one can actually see the words!!
On a more serious note, I have rediscovered the library and I'm reading anything and everything as one of the things PD gives you is time. A cataract op was a boon also as it really helps when one can actually see the words!!
Hi big RS and footsie,
Has this thread now dissolved into a chat show for drug addicts?
You both seem to be taking this in your stride so should we expect the dilated duo to duel openly or defensively under duress and feed their compulsive need to ridicule others for no good reason other that of resurrecting their view of self import?
I've got better things to do, so as the Dragons say, 'I'm out!'
And please don't think it's of your league, I repeat 'I'm no better than anyone else but nobody's better than me.'
Has this thread now dissolved into a chat show for drug addicts?
You both seem to be taking this in your stride so should we expect the dilated duo to duel openly or defensively under duress and feed their compulsive need to ridicule others for no good reason other that of resurrecting their view of self import?
I've got better things to do, so as the Dragons say, 'I'm out!'
And please don't think it's of your league, I repeat 'I'm no better than anyone else but nobody's better than me.'
Hi all, hearing you all going on about your new found past times makes me feel quite guilty. Pd forced me to give up a veery busy career 2 years ago. These days I dont find time to do that much. By the time I do a bit of housework Im done in and quite happy to spend time just sitting listening to the radio. I do have a lot of animals that need seeing to also though. I realised recently that this is the first time since I was 15years of age that I have had time to just sit.....its a pretty good feeling.
Good for you glenchass! There's nothing wrong with taking time
to smell the flowers.
to smell the flowers.
I really don't understand what your problem is Cecily.
Someone seemed to be belittling their own newly discovered artistic expertise just because the improvement may have been triggered by their drug regime. I merely tried to lift the mood with a chuckle.
Surely this is harmless enough. I don't recall my point being directed towards yoursef, anyway.
Someone seemed to be belittling their own newly discovered artistic expertise just because the improvement may have been triggered by their drug regime. I merely tried to lift the mood with a chuckle.
Surely this is harmless enough. I don't recall my point being directed towards yoursef, anyway.
Please don't take it out on anyone else tootsie. You've made your point to me, let's leave it at that.
You and I know what this is all about so please don't try and sanctify yourself.
'Moi? Moi? Mais non, non, non! Je suis l'empitome d'innocense!'
You and I know what this is all about so please don't try and sanctify yourself.
'Moi? Moi? Mais non, non, non! Je suis l'empitome d'innocense!'
And RnR,
Pull the other leg, it's got bells on! (wait for the jokes, folks!!)
Out for lunch to spend some far more interesting time talking to adults.
Seizures, Cecily.
Pull the other leg, it's got bells on! (wait for the jokes, folks!!)
Out for lunch to spend some far more interesting time talking to adults.
Seizures, Cecily.
Seriously though, paranoia is a very common side effect with our meds. Have you discussed this with your consultant?
You got me.
Its true.
I'm not really a greyhaired, wrinkled, overweight grandmother
with PD.
I'm really a undercover CIA agent.
Now I'll have to take my lethal pill. Goodbye cruel world!
Damn! Wrong drug! ITS SINEMET!!!!!
You got me.
Its true.
I'm not really a greyhaired, wrinkled, overweight grandmother
with PD.
I'm really a undercover CIA agent.
Now I'll have to take my lethal pill. Goodbye cruel world!
Damn! Wrong drug! ITS SINEMET!!!!!

Don't dial 999 !
This is just to reinforce what most of us are fully aware of.
Some people post rubbish on this forum!
Cheers to all PWP everywhere. Keep smiling.
This is just to reinforce what most of us are fully aware of.
Some people post rubbish on this forum!
Cheers to all PWP everywhere. Keep smiling.

i must have the same mentality as you i saw the fun in your comments
i must have the same mentality as you i saw the fun in your comments

LOL....Don't worry, many of the world's most creative artists, poets, composers etc were/are regular drug users - even the Beatles wrote their best music during their LSD days, & Hendrix was forever stoned!
If the above was written in response to my earlier post, then thanks, it made me smile...still hope for me yet!!!
If the above was written in response to my earlier post, then thanks, it made me smile...still hope for me yet!!!