Taking PD Sastravi with an antibiotic at the same time

Hello Fellow PDers, My name is Philip Proven and I was diagnosed with idiopathic PD five years ago. I am 84 and retired. I know we all have different symptoms and the only thing that is certain that we are all progressive sufferers of PD. I love the term “ PD is a boutique disease” some boutique! I have had a mild ish form of the disease but the inevitable progression, i think is now making its self felt. I had a brisk shortish walk this afternoon and all was lovely ( i live in rural Wiltshire) and have splendid views and a refreshing environment.

However, this evening I suddenly went into an “off “ period which alarmed me somewhat. I Amjust removing from a nasty infection of a pace maker and am finishing a long course of antibiotic (flucloxicillin ) and for the the first time I took my Sastravi and antibiotic at the same time. The attack of muscle spasm and stiffness came on 2 hrs after injection of the two drugs. Anybody out there in PD land have had a similar experience. Let me know please. Not too concerned as tomorrow is another day to resume the battle on this pesky scourge . Best wishes to all

Hello Londonstreet,

A warm welcome to the forum!
We hope you find comfort and knowledge from the community.

Best wishes,
Moderation Team

Hi @Londonstreet, :wave:

Yes, welcome to the Parkinson’s UK forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m sure you’ll hear from other members of the community soon with some great advice. In the meantime, we have tons of information on our website about wearing off which you may find useful and you can find it here - https://www.parkinsons.org.uk/information-and-support/your-magazine/experts/managing-wearing-and-dyskinesia-professor-richard. However, if you’re finding that the antibiotics are interfering with your Parkinson’s drugs, I’d suggest you speak to your GP or Parkinson’s nurse about this as they may need to review a few things.

Also, we have a free and confidential helpline with a team of advisers who’d be happy to provide you with more support and advice regarding your query about antibiotics. Please give us a call on 0808 800 0303 or email us at [email protected].

Best wishes,
Forum Community Manager

Thank you, Reah, That is very kind of you Fortunately I come off the antibiotics tomorrow and should be OK after that, I hope. I am delighted to join the Forum and will enjoy my way there as well!.

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