tetanus vaccine

The 8th June edition of New Scientist had an article entitled “Tetanus vaccine might protect against Parkinson’s disease” and there is a quote from Claire Bale of Parkinson’s UK which reads “the interestind possibility that tetanus vaccinations could have the potential to offer protection against the development of Parkinson’s and may even be able to slow the progression of the condition. As this is something current treatments can’t do, this would be hugely significant if realised”. A tetanus booster is not going to harm me so should I, and others with Parkinson’s, be asking our GP’s for a jab?

Hi TonyL,

Welcome to our community forum. We hope you’ll have a look around and feel encouraged to contribute as you get to know the lovely people here.

As for your question, this is very new research and is in the process of being investigated by brilliant people. You are encouraged, of course, to ask your GP about it. As more information becomes available, we will include in on our website here: Parkinsons.org.uk. Also feel free to call and discuss it with our helpline, on 0808 800 0303 as you like.

With our warmest welcome,

Forum Moderator