Thank you Parkinson’s UK

I would like to thank the lady i spoke to on the Parkinson’s help line. Unfortunately i didnt ask her name.

Without going into the whole lengthy story I was prescribed medication by my doctor who said it was ok to take if you had Parkinson’s. When I picked the medication up the pharmacist said it was ok to take with Parkinsons.

I then googled the medication to be told unsuitable to take with Parkinson’s medication. I phoned Parkinson’s UK and spoke to a lovely lady who confirmed that the medication I was prescribed would block my Parkinson’s medication and not to take it.

I eventually got an appointment with a different doctor who gave me exercises for my problem.

I wish all the medical profession were more switched on how important it is not to mix certain medication.

Thank you the lady at Parkinsons uk.

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Hi Margs,
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with the helpline advisers. We are so happy to hear they were able to provide such a valuable voice and service when you needed them. We are always overjoyed to hear stories like these, because some of the newer members may be reluctant to reach out to the helpline, and we want them to know that the advisers there are truly special people, who are often able to help in surprising ways – like this! Thank you again for sharing, and please accept our best wishes.
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