Thank you

Continuing the discussion from Newbie:

/ Hello Tot
Thank you for your helpful text ’
You’ve really given me some things to think about. My consultant said to try looking at a couple of sites about PD ( this was one of them) another was the Michael J Fox as the info within them / was. quite reliable. I think that I’m a biit overwhelmed because at the moment I’m getting lots of hospital letters.and already have t’wo appointments for next year. I was very interested in the spatial awareness as this is an issue that was causing a lot of worry as I’m afraid I’m got fall again- in July 2019 I fell and broke my left wrist in two places then in July 2020 I fell again breaking my right wrist in two places I also fell numerous times though thankfully didn’t break anything else. I Think my eyes are ok as I had them tested last year for new glasses. Once again thanks for answering my text.