My Father had a stroke 6 weeks ago.
It made me think although I have this too face I also now have too think about the Care and well being of my Father he is 76, he has had too slow down and take a back seat to all the things he would normally do.
With that in mind and thinking about my Future, How will i be?, How will he be?.
I have been trying too get round to doing all the jobs that need doing at Home Knowing if i Don't address them Now i may not be able too in the Future,I Cant wait for maybe, and he may not be able too help me or be around too do them.
In the last six weeks I have repaired a shed, that might sound trivial, But it needed doing for the Future, It took me 4 hours too put a post into the inside corner of a shed and attach it too the Shed and seal it,and then another morning on the outside corner to make a strong joint and seal if from the weather, How long would it take a able person too do that?,20 mins? or a hour?.
I felt i had achieved something technical and on my own terms, I hadn't done any carpentry since i was at school 30 yrs ago.I have also re felted one Shed and painted two, cleared out no end of Junk, repaired a green house door, and a cold frame And i'm now looking at some indoor decorating that needs too be Done.
If I can't do these things I set them out As a Goal, then really What is life??.
Ok i'm not going too be Running a marathon or jumping out of a plane, Or having a nice holiday. that Just isn't the Picture of reality for Me.
Life is hard and it continues too be Harder with this, for me The biggest barrier is still other peoples perception of Parkinsons, they make the simple impossible and the impossible as if it is Just something simple.