Thank you SA and also Gus. Had a few tears today so perhaps I needed to do that
Tears are the norm for most of us at first. I think there is a need to mourn the loss of our good health. But that stage passes at some point. Oddly, now I think of myself as a healthy person most of the time, because PD doesn't interfere with my activities. When the symptoms worsen, I expect to pass through another realisation that of course I am NOT truly a healthy person. For me, it's a matter of attitude still.
Good luck and good cheer!
Thank you J
Tears will help to release some of the pain of Dx it is a bereavement process for most of us life before dx and life after dx. As said by Gus we are here to help each other so now I am sending you a London Hug via Lincoln. At least Lincoln is close to you than London so it should get there quicker.....................
Thank you so much bb. X
Hi LEXI no doubt you will have a lot more tears to shed over the years, I've been DX near 6yrs now and I still have the weeps talking about it to people, but you soon boost yourself up and get on with life again
All good wishes - Sheffy x
Thank you sheffy x
Dear J and all. It is possible mostly to be reasonably positive, but it is a gradual process of loss, and each stage has to be mourned as well as fought..Good luck to all on this site. At the moment I am reasonably well and active. My husband is not happy about labels---he feels the Parkinson one does not define me.!
Hi Frances, I suppose it all takes time to adjust. Some days I think they have got things wrong and perhaps the scan is wrong! Other times it all sinks in and I struggle emotionally yet it's only early days. Yes there are three family members on my dads Side who also had PD but I find it hard at times to convince myself I also have it! Thank goodness for this forum because at the moment I don't know who to get info from!!! Good to hear you are coping well at the moment.
you can get all the info you need from this website i also recommend an online course i took FREE it is called GOOD BRAIN BAD BRAIN PARKINSON'S through Future learn it is a three week course I never was very good at school with any subject but I scored 84% more than my area PD nurse. I am quite proud of that score and the course was very interesting.
the more we know about this B**** of a condition the more we can help ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks BB
I might take a look at that course. Hope things have improved for you x
yes they have thank you Lexi two days on the trot no distonia and funny enough my bad spell seems to have brought me and my husband closer together maybe he has finally seen just how much i fight this everyday so when i dipped down so low it maybe scared him a little don't really think he under stood before the difficulties we face daily.
BB xx
Sometimes the hurdles we face make us stronger! Hubby and I are the same. Coming through these things by working together brings us closer and stronger. This is a new one for us and the family but I'm sure by taking a day at a time we'll get there.
glad to hear it take care my love xx bb