This forum is great. Informative, helpful, with welcoming supportive and empathetic members and in social club, fun.
At least it was until it was recently besieged by mischief makers whose names we rarely see until an upset arises.
Certainly, it has it's ups and downs, people are bound to disagree with one another and I have found the arguments upsetting myself.
I don't however see that a person with passionate views who is trying to help others falling into an abyss not of their making via the side effects of drug treatment is bullying.
There is no domination that cannot be thwarted by interactive posting. If people choose to stay on the sidelines and not participate, they cannot then turn round and say the forum is dominated by certain others. Frequent posters keep the forum alive. Newcomers are always welcomed with open arms.
As for Skype. No thanks
Quote "2. Suggest an excellent alternative forum which is already up and running and has all the features everyone wants - ESPECIALLY the ability to amend or delete ANY post AFTER submission. "Unquote
Why [u]ESPECIALLY[/u] and why [u]AFTER[/u] the post has been submitted.
In my experience those who wish to amend/change their original post clearly did'nt think about what they were printing for the whole world to see BEFORE pressing the post button.
Or their intentions are "mischevious" from the outset.
SO....the best way to resolve that problem is to have no editing options
Why [u]ESPECIALLY[/u] and why [u]AFTER[/u] the post has been submitted.
In my experience those who wish to amend/change their original post clearly did'nt think about what they were printing for the whole world to see BEFORE pressing the post button.
Or their intentions are "mischevious" from the outset.
SO....the best way to resolve that problem is to have no editing options

Part of the problem is knowing where a sense of humour becomes just not funny, but rude and offensive bullying. I have spent my life amongst Morrismen so am used to banter and mickey taking but never has it been bullying in nature.
There's obviously reasons why people rarely post on this forum and to call them mischief makers for starting threads or replying to threads on how to make this forum a better place for EVERYBODY affected by PD is wrong!
There are members on here that ridicule and belittle others and not just on the odd occasion it happens all the time. People are sitting on the sidelines because of this, is that right?
It seems that those who are complaining that there's upset because of these threads are more or less saying "I'm alright Jack, doesn't matter about those who have left or don't post anymore". I think it does matter, why should people feel they can't post or give their opinions because of a few members that can't see anyone else's point of view.
Who gives one person more right to use this forum then the next person?
There are members on here that ridicule and belittle others and not just on the odd occasion it happens all the time. People are sitting on the sidelines because of this, is that right?
It seems that those who are complaining that there's upset because of these threads are more or less saying "I'm alright Jack, doesn't matter about those who have left or don't post anymore". I think it does matter, why should people feel they can't post or give their opinions because of a few members that can't see anyone else's point of view.
Who gives one person more right to use this forum then the next person?
well said gill.
ECD and Gill; youâre both absolutely right. Iâm quite certain there must be many people who refrain from posting because of the often threatening and mocking tone of this forum.
Sometimes, it feels as if Iâm back in the schoolyard, with people being âfriendsâ or not âfriendsâ. Also, there seems to be a new trend developing for some people to dramatically âflounce offâ when they disagree with anyoneâs views â as if the forum will disappear without their postings. I notice they all manage to re-appear fairly quickly though.
This thread asks for opinions and these are mine. Nevertheless, I'll await the onslaught.
Sometimes, it feels as if Iâm back in the schoolyard, with people being âfriendsâ or not âfriendsâ. Also, there seems to be a new trend developing for some people to dramatically âflounce offâ when they disagree with anyoneâs views â as if the forum will disappear without their postings. I notice they all manage to re-appear fairly quickly though.
This thread asks for opinions and these are mine. Nevertheless, I'll await the onslaught.
i went off the forum the other day cus i had enough of horrible pms tome ,and i could not take much more of it,it was not said on the forum cus they not have the guts to do it so the whole world could see,i have bin told by the mods if some one is doin this to me try not to go back at erm ,i will be in bother me self,this is the kinda thing which hurts me.i returned fairly quickly cus a member of the forum rung me and had a chat and asked me to return back,ikept a very low profile cus im sick of bein back but prefere to stay in the cafe now

There are ways of dealing with people if they're sending you nasty upsetting pm's, I told you yesterday, forward them to the mods and let them deal with them, put a block on pm's or name and shame them.
There are ways of dealing with people if they're sending you nasty upsetting pm's, I told you yesterday, forward them to the mods and let them deal with them, put a block on pm's or name and shame them.
Wise words have been spoken this morning.
Re: "ESPECIALLY the ability to amend or delete ANY post AFTER submission".
The only reason these words were emphasised is that they are facilities a number of people had asked for. Similarly additional emoticons (not emotions, as some would have it!).
Personally I don't give a jot, I was just trying to help. Whatever I say I seems to get attacked by a pack of baying wolves these days. All I try to do is help, and raise the occasional chuckle on the way.
Why don't you lot stop bullying me?
I'm going back to the cricket.
Re: "ESPECIALLY the ability to amend or delete ANY post AFTER submission".
The only reason these words were emphasised is that they are facilities a number of people had asked for. Similarly additional emoticons (not emotions, as some would have it!).
Personally I don't give a jot, I was just trying to help. Whatever I say I seems to get attacked by a pack of baying wolves these days. All I try to do is help, and raise the occasional chuckle on the way.
Why don't you lot stop bullying me?
I'm going back to the cricket.
Surely there must be a way whereby 'regulars' feel happy to continue what has inevitably become a comfortable relationship but at the same time do not intimidate or frighten newcomers?
As for people using more than one id, please............. this is not a game. PD is a serious condition, frankly, if anyone has the time and inclination to prat about with a system designed for us they are much healthier than me.
Back to Scottish sunshine.
As for people using more than one id, please............. this is not a game. PD is a serious condition, frankly, if anyone has the time and inclination to prat about with a system designed for us they are much healthier than me.
Back to Scottish sunshine.
Thank you for all the suggestions that you have made over the last few days.
Some of these are demonstrating a range of very different opinions and views of what an ideal forum should be like, so we will not be able to please everybody.
Three areas seem to be of particular concern: The way that the forum is moderated, the functionality of the forum and the behaviour of other forum users.
We will go away and look at these in more detail and come back with ideas for how you can get involved. We have made a number of attempts to get volunteers from the forum community to help us draw up the user guidelines, assist with moderation and to join the Advisory Panel but have not got a large response. I really hope that the energy that people have shown in this discussion will prompt people to come forward.
There seems to be an overwhelming desire for the forum to be a welcoming place where everybody affected by Parkinsonâs can come for help and support. You are welcome to continue to share thoughts and discuss these ideas but please do follow the guidelines. These were drawn up by the community to help create a space which is welcoming.
Forum moderator
Some of these are demonstrating a range of very different opinions and views of what an ideal forum should be like, so we will not be able to please everybody.
Three areas seem to be of particular concern: The way that the forum is moderated, the functionality of the forum and the behaviour of other forum users.
We will go away and look at these in more detail and come back with ideas for how you can get involved. We have made a number of attempts to get volunteers from the forum community to help us draw up the user guidelines, assist with moderation and to join the Advisory Panel but have not got a large response. I really hope that the energy that people have shown in this discussion will prompt people to come forward.
There seems to be an overwhelming desire for the forum to be a welcoming place where everybody affected by Parkinsonâs can come for help and support. You are welcome to continue to share thoughts and discuss these ideas but please do follow the guidelines. These were drawn up by the community to help create a space which is welcoming.
Forum moderator
it bin sent to mods gill,but u say or name and shame them,if i do that i wish i blo.. could but i carnt i be in trouble it againnst the forum rules ,i will start up a prob then and be suspended ,so no i wont name and shame them for that reason,they no who they are and it will be dealt with so i dont get in trouble,this time i read the rules

For those who have not seen it, I suggest you take a look in Cafe 12 post of 16.19.
Maybe, just maybe, those who seem to be thriving on antagonistic and offensive remarks will feel as ashamed as I do for ever getting drawn into this disgusting argument
Maybe, just maybe, those who seem to be thriving on antagonistic and offensive remarks will feel as ashamed as I do for ever getting drawn into this disgusting argument
For my part,
I'm going to stop having a go at people who come on with nasty jibes at others. That's what the moderator is for.
I will ignore -ve posts as I trust my fellow forumees will know them for what they are and will ignore them in turn.
If I feel angry or upset at a post I will put it down to them, or me, having a bad day and leave well alone (or alert mod)
If I feel the need to be nasty, I will choose not to
Maybe we should have kept those 10 commandments going, and stuck to them, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess.
I'm calling for a truce. I've forgiven and forgotten and apologise to anyone to whom I have offended.
And finally a giant apology to AB and a huge thanks to AB's O/H for letting us know.
For my part,
I'm going to stop having a go at people who come on with nasty jibes at others. That's what the moderator is for.
I will ignore -ve posts as I trust my fellow forumees will know them for what they are and will ignore them in turn.
If I feel angry or upset at a post I will put it down to them, or me, having a bad day and leave well alone (or alert mod)
If I feel the need to be nasty, I will choose not to
Maybe we should have kept those 10 commandments going, and stuck to them, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess.
I'm calling for a truce. I've forgiven and forgotten and apologise to anyone to whom I have offended.
And finally a giant apology to AB and a huge thanks to AB's O/H for letting us know.
So who's going to volunteer, then?
We have made a number of attempts to get volunteers from the forum community to help us draw up the user guidelines, assist with moderation and to join the Advisory Panel but have not got a large response.
We have made a number of attempts to get volunteers from the forum community to help us draw up the user guidelines, assist with moderation and to join the Advisory Panel but have not got a large response.
i dont get Cafe 12 post of 16.19.
has something happened to AB?
has something happened to AB?
i mean i dont understand '16.19'
Allow me turnip
JC posted on 22 Jul 2011 @ 17:27 drawing your attention to a post in Cafe 12 made on 22 Jul 2011 @ 16:09
JC posted on 22 Jul 2011 @ 17:27 drawing your attention to a post in Cafe 12 made on 22 Jul 2011 @ 16:09
Bummer, let me try that again. Cough 

JC posted on 22 Jul 2011 @ 17:27 drawing your attention to a post in Cafe 12 made on 22 Jul 2011 @ [u]16:19[/u]

JC posted on 22 Jul 2011 @ 17:27 drawing your attention to a post in Cafe 12 made on 22 Jul 2011 @ [u]16:19[/u]