thank you Eck. Very salutary.
i would like to make one suggestion(it may have already been made in which case this is a seconding)
the complete removal of private messaging.
this facility has its uses but on the whole leads to bullying, paranoia,ganging up etc. i believe it is generally destructive.
any seconding (or thirding)?
the complete removal of private messaging.
this facility has its uses but on the whole leads to bullying, paranoia,ganging up etc. i believe it is generally destructive.
any seconding (or thirding)?
I disagree. Many members like the facility, and use it properly, harmlessly and frequently. Why should they be deprived of it by others?
If you don't like it, switch it off, it taked about 10 seconds.
It's not rocket science!
I disagree. Many members like the facility, and use it properly, harmlessly and frequently. Why should they be deprived of it by others?
If you don't like it, switch it off, it taked about 10 seconds.
It's not rocket science!
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and to agree or disagree with the opinions of others, but we should all read through what we have written several times and pause before we hit the "post" button.
Its not just what we say, its the way that we say it.
Its not just what we say, its the way that we say it.
hi Ray
its not the receiving of emails but the hidden forum which i suspect exists where people talk about others.
pwp seem to be a touch paranoid and sensitive to criticism (which is i believe related to dopamine levels) and often feel that they are being picked upon. if everything was in the open then that would lessen. i agree it is unfair on those who use it properly, but as its hidden there is no way of knowing how misused it is.
it would be a drastic measure but i thought it worth bringing up as part of bringing everything into the open.
its not the receiving of emails but the hidden forum which i suspect exists where people talk about others.
pwp seem to be a touch paranoid and sensitive to criticism (which is i believe related to dopamine levels) and often feel that they are being picked upon. if everything was in the open then that would lessen. i agree it is unfair on those who use it properly, but as its hidden there is no way of knowing how misused it is.
it would be a drastic measure but i thought it worth bringing up as part of bringing everything into the open.
tootsie - i'll send you a private message!
[thats a joke btw]
[thats a joke btw]
Hi Turnip.
I understand. It's certainly worth gauging general opinion. I've cast my vote, let's see what others think. Perhaps it should be discussed at the next Advisory Panel meeting.
I agree that many pwp seem paranoid, and to have had their senses of humour surgically removed. Not sure if that's the PD or the drugs.
I understand. It's certainly worth gauging general opinion. I've cast my vote, let's see what others think. Perhaps it should be discussed at the next Advisory Panel meeting.
I agree that many pwp seem paranoid, and to have had their senses of humour surgically removed. Not sure if that's the PD or the drugs.
Turnip, I absolutely agree with your comment about private messaging. What is the point of having a public forum when half the members are tittle-tattling in private? And, as for sending bullying private messages, words fail me.
Put me down as a seconder.
Put me down as a seconder.
From what Tim the Moderator has written, PDUK are taking a look at the suggestions put forward, which was my aim when I started this thread. This is surely a step in the right direction – The Forum are being listened to. Now, the outcome will have to be awaited. As for The Advisory Panel - whether you like the idea or not it , it has been chosen by PD UK as a method for keeping The Forum active and a good place to visit. They might need to re-visit the idea following the suggestions posted – but in the meantime let us at least give them a chance.
Ray – re sense of humour – not sure what your definition of many is but all of my friends who have PD have amazing senses of humour, even in their blackest hours – it is what keeps them going. If you are referring to the forum – perhaps it is the simple case folk don’t see anything on here to laugh about.
I read some very sad news today on another forum – extremely sad news about someone who has passed a way. Such a kind, gentle person. I then looked out of the window and saw the sun shining. For his family it won’t be. Kind of puts things into perspective doesn’t it. Maybe today everyone could try and be kind to each other .
Forever the optimist.
Ray – re sense of humour – not sure what your definition of many is but all of my friends who have PD have amazing senses of humour, even in their blackest hours – it is what keeps them going. If you are referring to the forum – perhaps it is the simple case folk don’t see anything on here to laugh about.
I read some very sad news today on another forum – extremely sad news about someone who has passed a way. Such a kind, gentle person. I then looked out of the window and saw the sun shining. For his family it won’t be. Kind of puts things into perspective doesn’t it. Maybe today everyone could try and be kind to each other .
Forever the optimist.
i think i have had a touch of that especially on amantadine and ropinerole, sometimes so nervous of other people's responses i couldnt look. dont give a monkeys now (good old beta blockers).
a lot of the problems on the forum are drug-affected if not drug-caused, both aggressiveness and paranoia/sensitivity - bad combination.
Not that there isn't an evil ******* out to get you!
i think i have had a touch of that especially on amantadine and ropinerole, sometimes so nervous of other people's responses i couldnt look. dont give a monkeys now (good old beta blockers).
Not that there isn't an evil ******* out to get you!
tripping over various posts.
lily, seconding accepted
breeze,apologies posted before read yours
lily, seconding accepted
breeze,apologies posted before read yours
I "third" your comments re PM.
The term "sense of humour" is open to interpretation. What one person considers hilarious, another can find offensive.
Its a minefield out there!
I repeat my comment on the other thread. We need to stop and think before we post and that applies also to PM.
I "third" your comments re PM.
The term "sense of humour" is open to interpretation. What one person considers hilarious, another can find offensive.
Its a minefield out there!
I repeat my comment on the other thread. We need to stop and think before we post and that applies also to PM.
Chill out everyone. I might be stuck indoors and twitchy most of the time, unable even to lift a toothbrush, and this body may be a pile of cack, but as the man said, "Life's a gas!". It's the only life you're going to have, and from this point onward progress ain't gonna be upwards!

If life isn't a gas, why bother?

Enjoy the day!

Chill out everyone. I might be stuck indoors and twitchy most of the time, unable even to lift a toothbrush, and this body may be a pile of cack, but as the man said, "Life's a gas!". It's the only life you're going to have, and from this point onward progress ain't gonna be upwards!

If life isn't a gas, why bother?

Enjoy the day!

Wasn't on the other thread.... sorry. Oh to heck with it .... We're all getting oversensitive now!
Hey Turnip. Found the "seeing things that aren't really there" experience when starting Amantadine quite entertaining. Does that make me a sick person?

Wasn't on the other thread.... sorry. Oh to heck with it .... We're all getting oversensitive now!
Hey Turnip. Found the "seeing things that aren't really there" experience when starting Amantadine quite entertaining. Does that make me a sick person?
i dont think i have ever met an entirely well person over 5 years of age! we all have some sickness just as we all have our own tragedies. (excuse me while i blow my nose)
i hated amantadine - it made thinking impossible, not that its too hot now.
beautiful day here - cold air and warm sun, bit like when skiing, not that i ever went skiing.what was it is i said about amantadine!!!
i hated amantadine - it made thinking impossible, not that its too hot now.
beautiful day here - cold air and warm sun, bit like when skiing, not that i ever went skiing.what was it is i said about amantadine!!!
Body language is part of the problem,seeing someones body langage often tells one whether the person is just joking or being seriously offensive.
I agree ECD. Tone of voice too. In fact the words on their own carry only a fraction of the message.
ironically we pwp have the same trouble in 'real life', seemingly i always seem stern and serious. does have its advantages when negotiating.
sad touching bit: when my daughter smiles back at me she does a parky half smile. would bring a tear to a wooden leg.
sad touching bit: when my daughter smiles back at me she does a parky half smile. would bring a tear to a wooden leg.
I have always said that P.w.P and their partners/loved ones have got to express their emotions more obviously because of this problem. Pity, Parkinson's often steals those looks across the room that silently signal things like, Let's get out of here as I cannot stand this crashing bore any longer, or Is n't he a prat?
Sorry,Off topic