Parkinson’s UK has launched the annual fundraising and awareness raising campaign called ‘Time for Can’ which is focused on increasing the public’s understanding of Parkinson’s while highlighting the urgent need for donations to fund Parkinson’s research to find better treatments and a cure now.
To increase the public’s understanding and knowledge of Parkinson’s, the charity has created a TV advert which shows both the reality of living with Parkinson’s and the researchers working towards better treatments and a cure - driven by people’s needs and powered by supporters.
Alongside our TV advert, we will be raising vital funds for Parkinson’s UK research through our Festive Night In, Santa Sleigh Run events and online donations.
Sorry I am now being a complete pain but I’m a bit confused about this post. Is this the advert that ran last year as part of the ‘time for can’ research drive or is it a new one and does this mean that it is going to be airing on television yet again ? If it’s a new advert, is there somewhere that I can see it - I didn’t realise there was going to be another fundraising campaign involving another TV advert. How long will this one be airing for if it is a new one? Some supporters will like it and some won’t- it’s personal choice but I fall into the latter category so I’m wondering whether I’m going to have to endure watching it on Christmas Day.
Yes, last year, we launched a TV advert to deepen understanding of the symptoms and severity of Parkinson’s, among people unaffected by the condition. Our research showed us that this group is ready to deepen their understanding and are great potential supporters of our movement to transform life with Parkinson’s and find a cure - if we can make them care.
We carefully tracked the success of the campaign in getting Parkinson’s understood and driving support and we had some great successes. Change won’t happen overnight, but the TV ad got more people to understand Parkinson’s (an increase from 58% to 61% which equates to about 210,000 more people understanding Parkinson’s), which was well above what we were expecting from a single campaign. We also saw almost 2,000 new supporters donating to our research and helping drive to new treatments and a cure.
We measured the impact of the TV advert through the support of an external agency who helped conduct insight on the impact of TV adverts and our advertising activity.
It’s going to be on TV from 16 November - 1 December and then again 15-29 December. You can view the advert tonight during the Great British Bake Off however we can’t share the advert with on the Forum ahead of that.
Just to be cleared, it’s not going to be aired on Christmas Day. I hope this answers your question.
Thank you for the information about the re run of the Time for Can marketing/research campaign. I saw the advert during Bake Off - I really didn’t like it last time but thought I would give it another go. I don’t like it even more the second time around and it has quite ruined any plans I had to watch the Bake Off final with friends - another night in on my own I suppose but not the end of the world and at least I can avoid Channel 4 for the remainder of the time it will be aired.
I don’t really understand all the marketing blurb but I guess it means that the advert has been proven to make a lot of money for research. That’s not a bad thing of course but it was an advert that divided opinion last time it ran and may well do the same again this time. Some felt that this sort of shock treatment was needed but for others it caused genuine upset and distress and I’m saddened to see that there has been no attempt to find a way forward that is not so divisive and genuinely distressing to some of us
Just my personal opinion. Some will disagree and it will have no bearing on anything anyway but it’s how I feel. J
P.S. I’m very curious as to how whatever marketing company was bought in measured ‘understanding’.
I have lived with Parkinson’s intimately for 9 years since diagnosis and the usual period of having symptoms before diagnosis and I still don’t understand it!
The advert depicts a certain extremity of symptoms which are very real and need to be shown but there is no balance because that wasn’t the brief given to the advertising company who put it together (as far as I understand it). Without balance, I have no idea what understanding has been gained but it certainly isn’t having any positive impact on my life.
I’ll stop grumbling now - not sure whether to go for bacon sandwiches or yoga as an antidote though I suspect I know which one is going to win . Jx
Enjoy your bacon sandwiches, Jackson!
I am going to defer my judgment on the advert for the time being, as I’ll need time to take it in. Definitely too fast for me on first viewing, with my slow thinking! Maybe intended to convey a sense of urgency….hmmmm. I do wish though, that gratitude would be made clear for any donations, It ends with the words Donate Now. Another screen with a big PLEASE to end on might have been appropriate.
Next time I see it, I shall try to envisage it as seen by a person without Parkinson’s.
I have ended up doing a lot of my shopping on Amazon although I hate the fact that they are not paying proper amounts of taxes. There is an option on amazon to have them make a donation to the charity of your choice when you buy from them so if you are using them can you please set it up so that they make a donation to Parkinsons, every little helps.