
After a DAT scan, I was diagnosed with PD in June 2014. I have some loss of control over my right hand and walk slightly unevenly; not too bad really. I am on Sinemet 12.5mg 3 times/day and Requip XL 2mg once/day. But, what I'm really worried about at the moment is gradually increasing tinnitus noise in my left ear only. My ENT specialist isn't sure that it's related. I first noticed the problem about  5 years ago. Does anybody else suffer from tinnitus?


Yes, I spent days hunting around my flat for an electrical fault until I realised I could hear the same noise in my sister's house. I guess I've abused my hearing enough over the years to feel it's self inflicted (probably true ) but Maybe there is a link.


Thanks for the quick reply. Mine started about the same time as my PD symptoms first appeared, hence my feeling there's a link. Now, at times I'm subjected to the usual background hum, plus worringly, a louder and louder whistle.

Hello, I have just read your post & have found it interesting to read. I was told christmas eve that I have PD. so am very knew to it all, & if honest still a little in shock about it. I was started on medication the same day, & i'm having some bad days with it! I guess this is normal though??

I found your post interesting as for the past year I have been complaing about a hissing sort of sound in my ears, & I can (or maybe! think I can hear it in my house) I often say when friends are around can you hear something & the reply is always no. I'm now wondering if there is a link with my new diagnosis. I hope this gets posted, as I haven't yet learnt or found the way to leave post myself yet?? Hopefully my reply comment will be posted.

I don't know if its me & the way i'm coming to terms with things, but nothing is feeling straightforward to me right now!


I contracted Tinnitus in 2011 after an ear infection.

I was suicidal to begin with - the high pitched whistle was driving me insane.

I can though give a positive slant to anyone who has just been diagnosed with it.

As I said, my initial reaction was - I can`t live with this, but after a few months of despair I began to realise that my brain was beginning to accept the constant whistle and I learned to live with it.

The only time I hear it now is when I`m discussing it with someone - I`m conscious of it now.

Not sure if it`s related to my PD or not though.

Incidentally - have you tried sound therapy cd`s - I used to listen to them a lot - birdsong, waterfalls, rivers,etc.

They really helped me cope with it in the early stages.

Hope this helps,



Hi Jacko,

I'm glad things have settled down for you now, & as you say you have learnt to live with it. My problem isn't too bad I just noticed a while ago I could hear a slight hissing, & seeing the other comment made me wonder if there was a conncection with my new findings of having PD. If honest since being told I haven't really noticed it, i'm now more focused on trying to get use to my new medication. 

I will however be trying those cds you mention. Just to help relax if anything. I only learnt of my PD 2wks ago, & I am still trying to come to terms with it. Its just fear of the unknown really. & it must be the same for all of us when first hearing the news.

Thank you for your reply & advice its appreciated. Ria..

Hi all I have PD and Tinnitus in both ears the tinnitus started before the PD so I dont think it's related as such.

I know quite a few people that have tinnitus that defintely do not have PD.

Mine is so loud at times that I can hear it over 77.2 db which is just below the leagal limit for a noisey work sutation.

The CD's are a great idea that is something I must look into.


take care BB.

Hello bettyblue,

I'm so pleased to see another post from you, you so very kindly replied to a post I left the other day regarding myself being new to PD. (I found out from my Neuro appointment xmas eve) I am still trying to get use to the side effects of the medicaton, & if honest get my head around the whole business of being told I have this disease. There has been good days since & many bad days too. I must confess some days I have felt so isolated with it all. I have yet to meet the support nurse whom i'm told will be explaining everything to me. & i'm a waiting for a scan to be done! I have been put on is Madapar 50g I am now taking 3 aday as from yesterday.

I am so pleased to have found this site bettyblue as yourself & others that have posted & I have commented on all seem so nice & so helpful too. It means a great deal when being so new to all this to know there are others out there to chat or help you with things. "Just being in touch is nice" But it must be dittsy me, as i'm finding the site not easy to use!! Lol. As said I wanted to reply to & another dear lady who made a comment regarding my post, but do you think I could find either of you again!! I logged onto online community etc, & just couldn't find anything from names I had seen before, i.e. yourself, Jacko, Mark, & I forget the other dear ladies name. I will no doubt get the hang of this website eventually!! Lol  I thought it would be a bit like fb where you log on & everything is there on your page, or timeline. But you seem to have to click onto forum, then a subject!!?? "I don't know, & i'm waffeling now, lol so will end, but thank your for your last post to me I found you so interesting & helpful.

Do take care bettyblue, & if I never answer you (or anyone else reading this it isn't because I don't want to, it will be because i'm trying to find you again on here. Lol. Best wishes from Autumnleaves, & blowing around ones today too in these windy conditions here in the south Lol x

     Hello Markhenry

   As you can tell  by the Avatars the title of this post TINNITUS,, sounds harmless  enough  but in my case was on the verge of blowing my  brains out Tinny was    introduced o young FFED, at age 17, I was at the local clay pigeon shooting range annd suppose  I SAY IT MYSELF,as no one  else willl, I was very good and contantly scored high marks, this was ver  unusuall as was  normaly c??p with the over andd  unnder 5shot  Remmington which I purchased brand  new, using the prize money won from local competitions plus my wages as a paper boy, actually it was while in the employ of  the Newsagents in the village,well there is no easy way to say this, but I became the toyboy of a beautiful lady who lived entirely alone in  huge rambling Georgian Manor house, she was 42 and I  was 17, and as she used to order items from the Newsagents, Genral all kinds of stuff store that you find in villages, you know the sort, you could buy anything ,and if Harry did not  have what you needed he would deliver it to your home within 24hrs, beat that for srvice,now Harry had lost his son when he was only 20 and although it was tragic, "he was a crewman on a bulk  carrier that  sank in the sea of japan,I cant say more as when I started work for him he quickly became too friendly,he found out that my old bike was abou to fail and very kindly gave me, yes thats  right gave me his Triumph Bonneville ,I couldnt thank him enough but had only piloted a vespa scooter ,and he also had me booked riding  lessons,, I will continue  in part 2 and you will see the relevance of my words

                              END OF ONE PART

            The Avatars are me now, and Mrs,,Smith, not the real name of this lovliest of the lovely, the last one is my hearrt, onward,. So now  Im the proud owner of this pristine Triumph, and  not only that but brand new leathers, they fitted perfectly, he  was  delighted and with a American cop Bone Dome, well even I was attractive to myself and began to build confidence, it was while poor old Harry, (no longer with us) was showing me pics of his son James on board this collosal Behemoth which he called home that I understood why  Harry was  so kind, James could have been my twin brother, I felt so guilty as  I mistook his warmth and kindness for , well I thought he was gay, now I  am 64 now, and have many gay friends  but in 67--68 well we will change tack now, as I said I realy looked good in my leathers, i fact  I slept in them that first night and no one could persuade me to take them off,well almost no one! .The next morning I rode into town looking like THE TERMINATOR and delivered my papers plus a few odds and ends to the good people of my home town, well it was a large village really, I was delivering my last paper along with  what I later found out was a box of snooker balls, not a full set only the colours, I will go to. the final episode now I bet  you cant  w\ait

                                                PART THREE NOW AS I DONT WANT TO LOSE THIS THREAD


            These Smileys tell a story, despite my impressive and some say sexy presence, I was not experienced or in any way familiar with the lovely  female form, that was about to change, I pulled up  outide the huge arched front door and rang the bell, no answer,?? I could hear a lot of bangs from nearby so I went to investigate,after a short walk, there was Mrs Smith blasting clay pigeons  to atoms,now I had observed this Lady while she was in the village, and it was a very pleasant observation, it was summer and the bright sunlight through the door of the store empasised wot  I saw      "sorry bit of silly there",she had all the right curves in all the right places,and that my friends was my  awakening, I had to get to  know her, dont get me wrong, I wasnt a stalker or persistent nuisance, I always treat all women with respect and  \always will,. So here I was standing nt  10 paces from her even in old (tight jeans) and a crumpled shabby old Barbour jacket she was so beautifull,,when she turned and looked at me I was in fight or flight mode my legs tuned to jelly and I wanted  to run but I wanted her more, "  AH WE MEET AT LAST, YOUNG FED" god even her voice was sexy,she asked if I would like to try and hit a few targets and loaded 10 into the Launcher, now as I said earlier, I had reached marksman level, but I didnt want to show off so missed a few deliberately, this had the desired effect she came behind me and my heart was doing 17000rpm, her perfume was so intoxicating,she held me tight and wrapped one leg inside mine and yanked it back, " YOU MUST STAND CORRECTLY IF YOU WISH TO SHOOT ACCURATELY" , well from this point I cannot go further,lets just say, when we met that lovely summers day I was a boy,  when I left her at 11.37pm I was a Man,listen to Bobby Goldsboro   SUMMER  I think thats what its called,we had a firestorm of passion for 1 year,then it ended the fearsome intensity simply burned itself out, but oh it was beautiful she taught me everything and I do miss her, we remained friends` for 39yrs until she passed away in 2007, it was while competing in a clay pigeon shoot,a idiot who had not remove the cartridges from  his gun walked past and his gun went off,he was a old friend, the blast from the gun destroyed my hearing totally in my right ear ,and left me with horrific tinnitus for 30yrs only now is it fading, but its taking my hearing with it.

                     SAD BUT  TRUE                  FED














Quite a story, Fedex! Tinnitus definitely not related to PD, then?

Hi Markhenrys,

I suspect Tinnitus is not related as I know quite a lot of people with it that are clearly not suffering with PD.

My Tinnitus, started about 8 years ago then I got my PD dx in june 2012, as the brain is such a difficualt organ to understand (hence we are still waiting for the cure we all want). 

There is stil so much to learn about both condition, I have a whooshing and thumping sound in my left ear and the white noise you get inbetween raidio stations on the right side. My left is worse and my PD is left side. I thing if you have PD it just might make you more vunerable to Tinnitus because the reagion of the brain are so closly related. same as if you have PD you can easily get depression which is cause by loss of a similar chemicel in the brain to dopamine.

Best wishes and for further info look no further than this website. BB

Thanks for your input, bettyblue.

The other thing I notice is that when I take double the dose of Levadopa, my tinnitus worsens. When I cut back, after a few days my tinnitus improves. Difficult to explain.

Hi markhenrys,

That is a stange one to answer, something else also improves tinnitus its the air pressure like when you go and fly off on your hol's for some strange reason or other my tinnitus compleatly goes away, but then it does come back after a few days. I only found out this because we road our motorbike accross europe then when we was coming down some spanish mountian my ears were popping left right and centre we then booked into a hotel and we were so nackered we should have hit the pillow and fallen asleep straight off.

But then I notice my tinnitus was gone compleatly I shot up in bed and said my tinnitus has gone and Colin said what do you mean your tinnitus has gone i replied what do you think my tinnitus has gone bloody well means you wally. It's alright we always refer to each other as a wally , It came back five days later but the break from it was great given half a chance I'd live on top of that mountain, just for the peace and quite. I would ask your neuro about the effect from your L-Dopa maybe needs a adjustment with your meds. if you find the soultion please let me know.

Take Care BB


Hi markhenrys,

That is a stange one to answer, something else also improves tinnitus its the air pressure like when you go and fly off on your hol's for some strange reason or other my tinnitus compleatly goes away, but then it does come back after a few days. I only found out this because we road our motorbike accross europe then when we was coming down some spanish mountian my ears were popping left right and centre we then booked into a hotel and we were so nackered we should have hit the pillow and fallen asleep straight off.

But then I notice my tinnitus was gone compleatly I shot up in bed and said my tinnitus has gone and Colin said what do you mean your tinnitus has gone i replied what do you think my tinnitus has gone bloody well means you wally. It's alright we always refer to each other as a wally , It came back five days later but the break from it was great given half a chance I'd live on top of that mountain, just for the peace and quite. I would ask your neuro about the effect from your L-Dopa maybe needs a adjustment with your meds. if you find the soultion please let me know.

Take Care BB


I had tinnitus quite badly a few years ago after a lot of dental work. It almost drove me crazy but gradually I became accustomed to it and I never noticed it until the last few weeks when my tremor started. It seems to have come back with the PD symptoms. It's a hissing sound in my left ear.