Today was a good day

Today was a good day. Liverpool beat Manchester United 7-0.:soccer::soccer::soccer::soccer::soccer::soccer::soccer:

I don’t know about a good day that will make a never to be forgotten memory I think. Were you there to see it?

Couldn’t get a ticket for love nor money. I did watch it on tele though, and the atmosphere was great.
First time anyone has beaten Manchester United 7-0.

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Six year old Freddy (named after Freddy Mercury) had to find a new home following the sad relationship breakdown with the family she had lived with all her life and which forced the sale of the family home. Today was a good day when I heard she was to go to live with a new ‘cat mad’ family and the two children can’t wait for Sunday when they will be collecting her and taking her home. It will be a big change but the best outcome for the lovely gentle Freddy.

And there was a second bit of good news when the lovely Grant already a companion dog for my friend who has impaired hearing, was accepted as a Pets As Therapy (PAT) dog and will be visiting elderly residents in a local care home and also going to a group for children with autism…
How can this not be a good day after two wonderful news stories.

Morning Tot,

Are you an animal lover?
What adorable animals those two are.
Thanks for sharing their stories. X

Morning Lizzyg
I grew up with cats but have never been in a position to have a dog so I take advantage of the dogs of friends. When I finally got my own place I had cats of my own for several years, all rescues and mostly older cats as they are harder to home, the oldest was 14 and she was with me just a few weeks short of 3 years. After my last cat was pts, i decided not to have another of my own but fostered cats for a local charity for nearly 4 years. Now I just cat sit for friends and neighbours while they are away. It’s all given me some wonderful memories and I continue to take pleasure in the contact I have with both cats and dogs hence my post on Freddy and Grant.

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Actually it wasn’t today but Easter Sunday when I and an elderly friend had a lovely afternoon tea in a beautiful setting, the weather was glorious, the grounds spectacular and the tea delicious. Best of all however was my friend who hasn’t been too well lately, was on fine form and thoroughly enjoyed it all, so lovely to see

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Today was a good day, meeting friends for lunch along with the fabulous Grant who was quite the star in the pub, a walk round town to see some of the yarn bombers for the Coronation, lots of catch up conversation and finally after lunch the sun came out - not many days get better than this

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Today was a god day. The hard work I have been putting in with my trainer for the past 18 months or so really paid off today when I managed a 5 km walk maintaining a steady pace and in a good time frame. It was 6 km in total with the walk to the start point and a break before starting the main walk. Just delighted. Not something I can manage every day but it’s nice to know that on the right day it’s still possible so the less god days don’t matter so much.

Well done, Tot. Fantastic achievement. Keep it up. EM xx

Thank you ElleMac. It used to be a favourite walk and not one I expected to be able to do again to be honest, let alone do it nordic walking, so it was very special. I was very tired the following morning but, as I said to my sister, it was all worth it even if it turns out to be a once only.

Well done , Tot. I know the feeling exactly. Today was a good day for me as it was my first ever go on an electric bike, which got me, with ease, halfway round Millport, Isle of Cumbrae to the delight of myself and my fifteen year old granddaughter.
Anna 2

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Today was a good day because I exceeded my personal target of 800 daily steps and that doesn’t happen very often.

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Today was a good day because the sun is shining, I feel great and it’s my 43rd wedding anniversary. Whoopee.
Spent the day with my wife in the garden just chilling out and making up garden furniture.

Many congratulations Liverpool1956, sounds like you had a lovely day.
Wishing you many more happy years together.

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Yesterday was a good day -my 66th birthday-walked the dog for an hour, did some housework, went on a vineyard\wine tasting tour and had a chinese take away with family in the evening. The only concession to pesky parky was to factor in an hour sitting relaxing reading before my lunchtime meds as then is when my tremor tends to kick off. Out for a meal this evening -so chilling out day today. PD does not rule me!

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Good for you Shir and many happy returns for yesterday. I turn 66 in a couple of months and will become a fully paid up pensioner at last - I planned to retire at 60 but then they moved the goal posts. Pensioner I may be but I have no intention of letting PD have it all his own way for a long time to come. either Stay as well as you can and enjoy the rest of your birthday celebrations this evening.

Thanks Tot. Like you they moved the goal post on me -but retire at the end of next week -bring it on! Going to carry on with a bit of self employed work -but no more 7am drives to work!

That sounds great. I enjoyed my many posts over the years and was lucky enough to have some fabulous opportunities but I took voluntary redundancy when I got an unexpected chance to do so. That was 11 years ago and I have never regretted it. I’m still busy and Parkinson’s is much easier to fit into your life when you’re not working than when you are and it has to fit in with workplace responsibilities. I love not working and hope you enjoy the next chapter of your life. Enjoy your last week

This is not a conventional ‘today is good day post’ but it seemed the best place to post something I can hardly believe I am doing. I have been working with a personal trainer for close on 2 years and it has made a huge difference to me. I started with 2x30 minute sessions then 2x45 and have been doing 2x60 minutes for some time. I think I am the strongest I have ever been and since I’ve recently developed some postural instability, I have been very grateful for that. I am now in discussion about starting a 3rd session in October. My aim when starting was simple, to develop a strong core and work on my balance to hopefully keep me going for as long as possible. I have far exceeded that and whilst progress may be more zigzag than linear I’m amazed to find I am now thinking differently - no longer just maintaining what I have but setting goals to improve and build upon what I have. It’s something I never expected and I am delighted. The day I made the decision to take this route has proved to be one of the best decisions of my life. I know Parkinson’s will catch up with me sometime but I believe I have given myself the best possible chance of delaying the inevitable for as long as possible and that is something worth celebrating.

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