Transport to a wedding and help

Hello all, in late summer my Mum wants to go to a family wedding. She has very advanced Parkinsons with Parkinsons psychosis. Currently her drugs have been reduced to a minimum to reduce the psychosis leaving her virtually paralysed. She cannot wipe her nose for example, and can barely open her mouth to be fed or suck juice up a straw. She had been bed bound for a couple of years and has no wheelchair. She is occasionally hoisted into a huge chair like device at the care home she lives in but finds it painful after a couple of hours. She wears slips and has a catheter. She can speak but is very quiet and croaky and a lot of people cannot understand her. So you hopefully understand what a complicated task this would be.
I’ve been Googling wheelchair hire (she has Pisa syndrome and needs side support) and she is very heavy though not quite bariatric.
I’ve looked at hiring a WAV but who will drive? We are are all old and decrepit ourselves. Who would push the wheelchair? Who would look after Mum at the wedding?
What we need is a person to drive some kind of vehicle with Mum in a wheelchair, and a person to push the wheelchair and look after Mum. That would not include changing slips or anything more complicated than feeding her and wiping her nose.
We are in Surrey.
Can anyone suggest any solutions? Surely other badly disabled people go to weddings?
I have MS and am recently widowed which is why I/my husband can’t help before you ask.
Obviously vehicle and all people involved must be safe and qualified etc.
Thank you for your help

Hi SourCherry,

We’re very sorry to hear your mum is struggling so. It may be a positive sign that she wants to go the wedding, but certainly the logistics are daunting. For a start we would recommend you reach out to our helpline on 0808 800 0303. Our advisors have a number of resources and may be able to point you in the right direction. Quite often our community members are surprised at the lengths the helpline will go to assist with things that can feel impossible.

Wishing you and your family the best,

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