Traveling by planes and trains

New to having Parkinson’s but not new to travelling with someone who needs extra help, difference this time of course is that both of us getting the help. If you’re thinking of travelling by plane and have a bit of panic there is no need. When you book ask for special assistance, the very nice ladies and gentleman will either meet you at the check in desk or you can make your way to where they are based. Which ever way you choose its wheelchair or one of those beeping buggy’s all the way to your seat on the plane. When you arrive at the other airport you do have to wait for everybody else to get off first but you get to wave to all those who went first as you speed past them and go straight to the passport desks used by air crew etc.

If travelling by train in the UK you can also get special assistance, Its better if you can give them 24 hrs notice but you can turn up and ask, the only thing is that if you turn up and ask you may have to wait a little bit and catch a later train if the staff who would help you are busy with others.