Travelling after starting meds


I’m 44 and I was diagnosed in June last year following a Datscan confirmation result, my symptoms actually started from 2018 and took 6 years of doctors dismissing my symptoms, referring me to multiple hospital depts and 4 years of an anxiety
misdiagnosis to finally get a my real diagnosis.
Fast forward to now and after reluctantly wanting to start medication I started modopar 4 months ago, a lot of my symptoms have eased on a 100mg dose Am and 50mg dose at lunch time and evening.

Anyway my reason for writing my first post is that I’m due to travel to Kos in Greece in a few weeks and I’m worried incase I for some reason get stopped from taking my medication , I’ve ordered my prescription early to ensure I have enough to cover me extra time while I’m there etc but does anyone recommend taking a doctors letter too? Or am I just over worrying it all :rofl:

Any advice (on travel or even newly diagnosed/starting meds) is greatly appreciated

Thanks in Advance!

Good evening EmM12 … There are loads of coffin dodgers like me that take foreign holidays. How many of us are on medication? All of us of course. I have never been quizzed on my medication.

If you are feeling anxious then maybe take a copy of your Madopar prescription.

Enjoy your holiday.

Best wishes

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Hello EmM12, the same fears I had 2018. In March 2018. I diagnosed with PD, I was 39 y.o. I already arranged my travel to Moscow in April, that was my dream for manny years. I take my pills and medical documents, but all the time I was worried what if I lose my medicine, what if my medicine is taken away at the airport. Of course, nothing happened. Don’t worry and enjoy. Wish you all the best, Martina

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Hi EmM12,

I have recently returned from Greece. I took my medication in my hand luggage & put them in ‘ the tray’ when passing through security- no problems at all,

Have a lovely holiday

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