I haven’t been on the site for a while as to be honest find it a bit depressing so I’ve been focussing on my exercise and diet - doing Parkinson’s school with Laurie Mischley which I highly recommend and joining Neuroheroes classes and loads of other exercise (gym, swimming, yoga, running) and NOW I’ve signed up for a Triathlon. Is anyone else feeling like me that high intensity exercise is making them feel a lot better and in control. Has anyone done a Triathlon with Parkinson’s?
@EmilyD Never done a triathlon, not a good enough swimmer, but I really enjoy cycling and playing badminton. I also run a bit. Sometimes it’s a struggle to get out but I’ve never regretted doing vigarous exercise. It does make me feel better and is good for me socially too.
Hi I am 72 still work take dog for walk twice a day for about an hr or so
does that count as keeping fit
Never done a triathlon, so I’m impressed that you are doing one.
I do circuit training 3 times a week and it makes me feel great, although I find it burns through my meds quicker. I find pd gives me the drive to do the classes as I see it as another form of medication.
I want to do another half marathon just to break the 2 hour barrier just need to sort my physio to get me running again. Seeing you doing a triathlon has given me encouragement to go for a run
Great to read and good luck keep doing as much exercise as you can definitely seems to make a difference. My husband with Parkinson’s was a gym person at least 4 days a week and a string cyclist. Wasn’t Parkinson’s that stopped him but Sepsis. Everyone is different but for those that can it definitely seems to help. Look forward to hearing how you got on
Yes. Did an Ironman 5 mths after diagnosis. And a half IM 2 years later. Times slower than previous and I have not got the long stuff in me now but still exercising plenty
So assuming you planning a shorter one it is very doable. I am a coach and I will be happy to have a chat
Thanks for replying everyone. Sadly I didn’t get any notifications even though I created this topic (hello site!) so I didn’t realise anyone replied. Yes I’m doing 800m swim, 25 K bike, 5K run - currently doing couch to 5 K and on week 6 so I’m nearly there! I’m not letting PD stop me until it stops me, despite the depressing info everywhere I look unless I look REALLY hard!
I discovered in my 50’s that I could run!! I had always cycled and swam so I decided to have a go at triathlon. I did very well, winning the veteran ladies category in my first event. I continued to compete for the next two years but despite the fact that I was fitter than I had ever been I felt something was wrong. My left leg started to shake and I just didn’t feel
right. Thanks to medical insurance I was able to see a neurologist quickly and was diagnosed with Parkinson’s.I was able to take early retirement which coencided with my husband finishing work and for 10 years led a relatively normal life. We travelled to Australia several times and enjoyed cycling and boating holidays. My doctors were amazed at my resilience and put this down to my high level of fitness. Sadly the disease is now taking it’s toll - I still swim regularly and on a good day can manage an hour’s bike ride but walking is becoming a problem and on occasions I have to resort to a wheelchair. Triathlons are a feint memory but firmly believe that exercise is the key to keeping this awful disease at bay and making life with it more bearable.
I should add that it is over 20 years since I was diagnosed and I am now 74.
Hi Emily,
I’m 57 and 5 years in. I try to take part in my local parkrun every Saturday (73 completed so far) and find the intensive exercise really helps. I have to swear at my left arm to keep it swinging!! I hope to keep it going for as long as I can. My sights are currently set on achieving my 100 runs milestone black T-shirt.
(Milestones are 25 runs purple T-shirt, 50 runs red T-shirt, 100 runs black T shirt, 250 runs green T-shirt, 500 runs blue T-shirt…I live in hope!!)
I can recommend parkrun to everyone. They are all over the world and start at 9am on a Saturday morning with a warm inclusive atmosphere. Don’t be put off by the word ‘run’ as many people walk the 3.1 miles. We had a 90 year old chap taking part last week
Hi Emily,
Thanks for your positive post and done for signing up for the triathlon ! I have been diagnosed for 6 years and as a former, competitive age group and masters swimmer and swim : run competitor was almost relieved to find out what was causing the deterioration of my ability to swim as efficiently as usual! As ever with time and trial and error with different meds I was able to get back to a similar level of swimming and running! I do have to manage things closely to be able to have a smooth run or swim ( ?) but my consultant has worked with me to ensure I have enough dopamine required for the exercise ( I take a soluble tablet just before so not to use my daily need) ! I swim 3x a week ( 7500 per week) and run 3x a week ( 20 miles a week) and, having just been medically retired (at 53!) find that my exercise is my PD saviour in terms of both mental social and physical well being! The best thing my consultant said to me when I was diagnosed was that he would encourage me to keep on doing as much physical activity as possible:/ sensible! I have subsequently kept on swimming and running and in doing so, have even raised money for Parkinsons doing a half marathon ! I never mastered cycling efficiently so although I previously trained with a Triathlon club never competed! Get as much advice from others as you can ,practice/ prepare for the transitions and let the organisers know about your PD especially if doing an non pool swim! Enjoy have fun and let us know when it is and how it do! Thanks your post has really motivated me ! Sorry it’s so long after your original post!
Hi Emily. I’m really impressed.! Keep it up. I’m with you on the forum. Most of the time I just get on with life, but it’s good to know that everyone is out there for support when you need it.
@Peterb1951 I believe it does. I am 59 and walk only 3km per day:
Hi Sealy,
I’ve been diagnosed 5 years and take Sinemet 25/100 4 times a day.
I take part in the 5K parkrun every Saturday at 9am. Recently I’m finding that my medication which I take at 7am isn’t lasting to the end of my run at circa 09:25.
Can I ask how long before your run you take the soluble tablet? (Sinemet?)
Cheers, Mark
Hi Mark, I take my (sport) soluable cobendolpa approximately 15 minutes before my run! This allows this time the medicine to get into your system, Hope this helps!
Keep up the running!
Kind regards
Google Ruth Wilson triathlon /parkinsons
Good on you Emily, only just seen your post so not sure where you are up to at this point. Exercise is definitely key to fighting Parkinson’s. I still work full time as a landscape gardener and recently did both a 25km and 50km ultra challenge walk. Pissed Parky off no end and he tried his best to upset me afterwards. That only inspired me to try a 100km walk challenge next spring. So keep up the triathlons and fitness it inspires us all .
I was diagnosed 17 years ago
I watched my father go from marathon runner to a wreck in a short time ….thats why I took triathlon up immediately after diagnosis
I competed on able bodied events hiding the condition for ten years .
Unbeatable on home territory and competed internationally medaling in Madrid for the first time which followed by more
Its hard but worth it I hurge Parkinson’s responds to extreme excercise I was hit with many hate mails but those who read about my efforts and followed made up for the ones that knocked me
I’m waiting for an operation but I will back to compete in my 18th year since diagnosed
Dream believe achieve
It’s possible x