Turnip news

I know a lot of people were very concerned when turnip wrote 'One Last Word'

about his wife being taken ill. The following messages have been sent by turnip.



I have news from turnip. These are messages from him.

1. Fran still with us, each day gives a little bit more hope

2. Fran has an op today to put in a valve to drain excess fluid. if that works we will hopefully be able make some progress. Coping with a lot of help from a lot of kind people.



all the best to fran & turnip GET WELL SOON FROM GUS & FAMILY smile

So pleased to hear news of Turnip and Fran. Sending all best wishes and positive thoughts for the op and so glad to hear you ve got the support of kind people



Really pleased to hear turnip`s news and hope the op is a great success.

Glad you`ve got support turnip, best wishes


Thanks so much, Lin, for letting us know. Do  let turnip know we're all thinking of Fran and him


Thanks for passing on this news, Lin.

Tell turnip we are rooting for him and Fran!