Awards 28 October 6pm-8pm (virtual event)
Hello everyone,
The 2021 UK Parkinson’s Excellence Network Awards will bring together professionals, people with Parkinson’s and the people who love and care for them to recognise outstanding work by the Parkinson’s health and care community and celebrate the achievements of the Excellence Network since 2015. The Awards ceremony is free for all to attend.
Conference 4 November (virtual event)
This year the theme of the 2021 UK Parkinson’s Excellence Network Conference is ‘Progression beyond the pandemic: what have we learned from coronavirus (COVID-19)?’
The conference will bring together professionals, people with Parkinson’s and the people in their lives, to focus on the future and to share learning and experiences across the themes of:
Restarting life
Restarting services
The conference is free for people in the Parkinson’s community to attend.
Get involved!
Find out more about the Awards and Conference and register for your place using this link: 2021 UK Parkinson's Excellence Network Awards and Conference | Parkinson's UK
Tell your Parkinson’s community contacts, volunteer colleagues and health and social care professionals about the Awards and Conference and encourage them to book their places for the events.
Share across social media using this shortened link: 2021 UK Parkinson's Excellence Network Awards and Conference | Parkinson's UK, with the hashtag #ParkinsonsExcellence.