Well, I came on here today to offload about coping with hubby’s variability with his PD - and see that I did the same back in 2022!!! Just proves how longsuffering us carers are! I could just repeat the old post, but the variability is so much more now he is settled on the new Produodopa infusion treatment. The ‘off’ periods are more ‘off’ but are less frequent, so overall, things are better - but today I’m struggling with the fact that Sunday we could not go out because his blood pressure dropped to 53 / 36 and he couldn’t even sit up (the medics have prescribed as much medication as they can for this - because it sometimes goes high… Bp control is a Parks thing as many will know.) Monday he was absolutely fine, firing on all cylinders, and decided to go off on public transport to attend an appointment in London. Got up, dressed himself, and on arrival at the station, leapt out of the car to catch the train. I’m glad he had a good day yesterday, but when I collected him from the station, as he got in to the car, he went ‘off’ and was struggling in the evening. Today he has been Parky and slow … This morning, in order to get to something we both usually go to on a Tuesday, I had to dress him 100%. Part of me is angry. If he WANTS to do something, psychology seems to override things and he is fine. I just get all the crap. Grrrrrrr.
Aww bless you xx