Vascular Parkinsons - newly diagnosed...

Hi. My mum - 80 next week - has recently been diagnosed with VP… are there any things that we need to know to help her - she has been prescribed medication that she will start to take next week - not sure what it is called yet… We are struggling as she lives with my dad who has dementia. I have 2 sisters but we need to come up with a better plan for them both as she cannot cope with Dad anymore even with us all helping.

Hi KC48,

We saw this was your first post and wanted to welcome you to our community forum. We are sorry to hear your mum is struggling, but we can assure you that you are not alone in this, as you are sure to learn as our group members introduce themselves. Added to their support we have a couple of tools that can at least help educate you and the family on what she’s experiencing, in the form of our constantly updated website, at You might start with this page with some general info about the types of Parkinson’s: Types of Parkinson's | Parkinson's UK. We’d encourage you to apply any questions you may have to the search function, but if you’d prefer to speak to someone directly, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our helpline, on 0808 800 0303. It’s free and confidential and our advisor team offers a wealth of resources of their own, including connecting you with care in your mum’s area. This team is regularly lauded for their kindness and for the many, sometimes surprising, ways they can help, and that help is for families and carers as well as people with Parkinson’s.

We hope these options can offer some comfort, and please accept our warmest welcome.

Forum Moderator

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Hi KC48,
jason.mod has given you great advice, please follow it.
You have to get your dad into an assisted living, ‘unit’ now. I am not sure what it is called in the UK.
No matter how much he screams and shouts and performs it must be done not only for your mother as there is no way you can allow her to try to deal with him now, but for her and the mental health of yourselves as well.
Honestly there is no other choice.
Yea, I know it sounds harsh, but it must be done.
I consult for a number of organizations in South Africa like (Life Line and Suicides Anonymous) and PD patients here, and I have “gone through” and had to deal with some similar aspects here.
I do realize what I am saying but if you don’t it will end up a disaster.
Sorry if I sound like a horrible person, but please do it.